♡Chapter 27♡

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♡//No matter where you are, family will always be family\\♡

It has been a week is Jimin got beaten and Jungkook is still trying to find out who did it. He never slept even a bit trying to find to people. Jimin is still in the hospital, why? Jungkook doesn't want him out of the hospital until he finds the people who had beaten his baby.

"Hyjng why don't you take a nap?, you have been working on this for a week now, I should rest" Jimin said. "No, no resting until I find those mother f*ckers that hit my baby" Jungkook said. "But hyung, it has been a while, why don't you sleep with me? Or else I also won't sleep." Jimin said.

"I can just get the doctors to give you a dose of sleeping medicine and you will sleep" Jungkook said. "Come on hyung, I really want you to sleep" Jimin said. "No, now take a rest and just relax okay, hyung will find them." Jungkook said and just then Taehyung got in.

"Hey guys" Tae greeted. "Hey hyung" they both said. "Hyung can I show you something?" Jimin said to Taehyung and with what Jungkook said to him, it gave him an idea. "What is it?" Tae said as soon as he got near Jimin.

"Look at this shirt, I really like it, but I wanted your opinion on it because Jungkook hyung said it won't suit me." Jimin said pointing on his phone, but he we was not showing Taehyung the shirt, Instead it was a text message he just wrote for Taehyung to read.

"Hyung can you get Jungkook hyung so coffee, but get the doctor to put sleeping pills in it, those sleeping pills should make him sleep for like 2days at least, he hasn't slept a bit in a week, please."

"Well it is a nice shirt but Jungkook is right, this shirt doesn't suit you." Taehyung said nodding. "Right? I know, he thinks I don't want him to look good" Jungkook said. "Well I am exhausted from looking for those dudes, I need coffee, Jungkook you want one?" Taehyung ask.

"Yes please and make it strong, I haven't slept in a week" Jungkook said. "Okay I will be right back." Tae said. Taehyung left the room and got some coffee and told tge doctors what happened so he can get sleeping pills.

Taehyung came back with the coffee. He knew Jungkook was clever so he put the pills in both of the coffee. "I am back" Taehyung said. "Thank you hyung." Jungkook said, he was too focused to care about anything else.

Jungkook drank the coffee and continued to work. Taehyung put the extra coffee on the table. "So are you feeling any better now Ji?" Taehyung asks. "I am fine hyung, i have been here for two weeks, I am getting sick of this hospital smell." Jimin said.

"We know, we are getting you out tomorrow" Taehyung said. "Why not today?" Jimin asked. "Well your hyung is still busy at the moment."Taehyung said trying to tell Jimin that Jungkook is about to fall asleep. "Okay hyung." Just then the typing was no longer heard, Jungkook fell asleep just how they wanted.

"Hyung can't I get discharged today?, I want to sleep with hyung while cuddling with him. "Okay fine I will get your discharge papers" Taehyung said then left the room. Jimin got off the bed and went to his hyung. "Why can't you just listen when I say sleep, now I had to make hyung put sleeping pills in your drink.

Jimin closed Jungkook's laptop. "You always overwork yourself for me, why hyung?" Jimin asked himself. "I know you love me but sometimes you need to take care of yourself hyung." Jimin said to himself again.

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