♡Chapter 39♡

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It'd been over 3 weeks, and Jungkook was still not awake yet. Jimin refused to leave his sight. He took showers at the hospital, they bought him food every day, and yet he refused to eat any.

"Jimin, if you don't eat, you might end up being admitted to the hospital too," Sunoo said, concerned. "How does that concern you?" Jimin sassed. "It does in so many ways. You are my little brother and best friend, of course, I am concerned about you, " the older said.

"I never asked you to care. If Hyung doesn't wake up, then I won't eat either. We can both leave this world together." The younger said. "If you don't snap back to your senses, I swear I will switch off those machines, and you will lose him for good, I am your brother and your family. I care about your health.

Do you think Hyung will be happy when he wakes up to his lover, all skinny and starving and sick? Is that the sight you want Hyung to see first thing when he wakes up?" The older asked now, scolding the younger.

"I-i-" "I, I, I, I, I-shut it, eat your food, and go rest on that bed they got for you in here. If you won't, then I will make you," Sunoo said. He was now angry with the younger and how he mistreated himself. Yes, he understood why the younger was acting that way, but that won't wake the older up.

"I'm sorry, Sunoo Hyung," the younger said, feeling ashamed of himself with tears in his eyes. "Come here," Sunoo said, opening his arms for the younger to come and hug him. "Hyung~." Jimin went for the hug sobbing. Of course, in front of his parents, he acted okay, but Sunoo and Ninah knew that he was not okay and how much he wanted to cry his eyes out.

"It's okay baby, you have to stay healthy for Hyung, right? Hyung has to see his cute little baby boy healthy, so he doesn't worry, doesn't he? Jiminie has to take care of himself for his love, right? Now you can always come to me whenever you feel as if you can't hold it in anymore and you just want to cry. Hyung will always open his arms for you, and I am sure the rest of the Hyungjae knows what do, even Ninah, Chae, and Lisa. They will always be here for you, okay? We all are." Sunoo said, rubbing the younger's back.

"What about the person that caused the accident, Hyung? I heard the police say he ran away and that he was on drugs and alcohol." The younger asked. "You focus on Jungkook hyung, Taehyung hyung and Namjoon hyung are on him, they are looking for him. Not them only. The rest of the crew is busy with the matter. If they find something, I ensure they will tell us." Sunoo said.

Jimin turned to look at Jungkook and saw Jungkook's fingers move. "Oh, Hyung!? Sunoo hyung, Jungkook hyung just moved, " the younger exclaimed, checking the older to see if he woke up. The older opened his eyes and looked around.

"Hyung~," the younger sobbed even more, seeing his lover's eyes open. "Mm, shut up, will you? And........who are you?" The older asked, confused. "Huh?" Was all that came out of both of the younger's mouth. "Wh-what?" Jimin asked. "I asked. Who are you guys? Are you my friends? But you don't look my age? What happened?" The older continued to ask.

"Hyung, I am your fiance Jimin, and this is Sunoo, Ninah's twin and Taehyung hyung & Namjoon hyung's little brother." Jimin said with tears in his eyes. "My fiance? I'm gay? Me? Jeon Jungkook? Gay? Stop playing. And when did Taehyung and Namjoon get brothers? Where is my mom and dad?" The older said.

"Ju -" "No, stop it right there, Sunoo hyung. Listen here, MF* I won't deal with this bullsh*t you hear me? I've seen this kind of things in a lot of dramas and I'm not about to live one. You are going to remember be by fire or by force, okay? You think I'm gonna be busy crying, begging you not to bully me?

Listen here, hyung. I am the one and only Jeon Jimin, I was raised by the great and one and only Jeon Jungkook. I was not raised to be a whimp. If you slap, I slap. If you throw a fist, I throw it back. Watch me carefully, I am not one of those dramatic girls and boys who would cry over such nonsense.

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