♡Chapter 12♡

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Edited 🙃

Jimin was debuting in a few days so he has been busy with his training and rehearsing for is debut song. He and Kai became close as Taemin felt so Jealous because his bestfriend got Jimin's attention, Wonwoo and Jimin became good friends as they hangout a lot.

Jungkook has been very busy at work and soon he will need to go on a business trip, but the thing is he doesn't go anywhere without Jimin and he doesn't want to, but he has to, it's not by choice this time. He will have to meet with an important person for their business so he has to go to Italy for a week, but luckily Jimin's debut is just after his come back.

"Baby I need to go now, take care of yourself and if anything happens call me, or the other hyungs okay?" Jungkook said as he was at the airport with jimin. "Kookie, my love, relax I will be okay, you go and make us proud" Jimin said.

"I will baby, and you rehearse for me so I can sing your songs, actually we could sing your songs together just like we do with our faves, but when you debut you will be my number one and you know I am always your number one fan" Jungkook said. " I know hyung, you have been my fan ever since I started singing and dancing with you" Jimin said with a smile.

They finally parted as jungkook's plane was finally called. Jimin went home as he felt alone, Ninah and Sunoo were coming home tomorrow and he was excited about it. It has been months since he saw them because they stay at school premises.

"Finally I will get to see my besties and tell them about Wonwoo hyung, oh my God I can't wait" Jimin mumbled to himself as he blustered music dancing from happiness till......


And the last thing he heard was someone shouting "someone please call an ambulance". People were worried, they were all surrounding him, good thing they did not take any videos or pictures.

The ambulance finally came as it took him to the hospital, he was fighting for his life and badly injured, the crash was as if someone was aiming for him. They got to the hospital and he was admitted, they were really trying their best to save him.

On taehyung's luck he was passing by where the accident just happened and he saw how everyone was there so him being him liking Tae-ehem I mean Tea, he went there to ask. "Hey what happened?" He asks one of the young boys there, " Um- a boy I was in school with just had an accident, what was his name again?, he is um- the Jeon's second son uhh oh yea Jimin yea that's his name" the boy said and he immediately asked the boy which hospital he was sent to and the boy told him.

On his way he called Jungkook but Jungkook's phone didn't go through, he kept on calling as he called the others and the Jeons on his way to the hospital. As he arrived there he went to the receptionist, "Jeon Jimin?" He asked in a hurry. "Are you a family member?" She asks trying to flirt with Tae. "Yes now be quick" Tae said, " ugh, room 354" she said and Tae ran for it.

When he got to the room he found doctors and nurses busy, up and down, he was panicking, thinking of the younger, "Jungkook why ain't you answering, oh wait you are on flight mode, but I will keep on calling so you can see this needs your attention." Tae said to himself as he kept calling Jungkook, soon the family got there and they were all crying with Mr Kim trying to calm them down, Jungwon was crying the most as he is Jimin's brother.

After 3 hours the doctor came to them, "Jeon Jimin?" He asks and they all nodded. "Well he almost lost his life but we are not sure, he is still unstable, it took us 3hours 30 minutes to try and stable him, he lost too much blood and we noticed that the crash was planned as if they were aiming at him, because looking at his system and his body, he is healthy and no mark's at all, no alcohol or any sense of drug he was sober and healthy, and his heartbeats shows that he was kinder happy, is there anything that you know that made him that happy?" The doctor asks.

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