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"You sure took your time coming here Mr.Lee, didn't you " Okay what the heck is wrong with this atmosphere here? It is a thick as a wall. I do not think I am coming out of here alive..

"Well I am sorry about that, It took me some time to convince someone to come with me. Dad said looking over at me.

'huh? Me? We are late because of me? Oh, shit first impressions. God help me ' I started stressing here. God, I hate people.

Suddenly both of them burst out laughing and I just stood here all confused 

"WE GOT YOU!!!' they both said simultaneously.

Wait- Hold up -' I-I WAS BEING PLAYED WITH ?!'

and of course, everyone was laughing so I did not want to look like an idiot so I laughed along ... Urgh .. I hate this.

" So,  Mr.Kim, where are your children, I want my daughter having fun too"

"Oh, right. Tanaka take her to my children." 
"Yes sir. Ma'am this way "

"Umm Mister Tanaka, can you please not call me ma'am? I feel old here. Just call me Y/n"

He gave me a surprised look and told me " You are a nice child miss Y/n"

"T-Thank you, Mister Tanaka Can I ask you something?"

"Sure what is the matter?"

"How does dad know mister lee?"

"Well, they were childhood friends. They are now business partners."

"Oh, I see"

"Here we are"

Out of nowhere, the door was slammed open making me flinch. There was a lot of noise in there.

'Shit if world war 3 has not started really then ..then WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON ?!'

"Oh you must be Mr.lee's daughter come in," a girl said. She looked somewhere near my age but she is shorter than me.

"Hey Tanaka, get us some cake. Go now" Okay and she is rude too ...I gave her the look of 'bitch are you serious?' she just smiled at me and pulled me in the room with the other children.

All of a sudden, all of the noise just died down I mean if a sewing needle fell on the ground, I swear you will hear it. 

" So who are you ?" one of the kids randomly asked. More like I was waiting for that question.

"Uh- Yeah So I am Lee Y/n. Nice to meet you guys. I mean- Ladies and gentlemen"

"Woah... Chill out kid we are all kids here so no need to be formal with us. I am Sabrina. Nice to meet you " She gave me a wink. A freakin' wink !! Who does that?  I just gave her an awkward smile...

 " I am Jordan. I like playing basketball. Nice to meet you Y/n"

"And I am Heather. I love reading books"

"Irene. I just like drawing "

"My name is Sara. And I love playing with jimmy" She said holding up her stuffed bunny

'Oh god she is cute' I thought 

" Michel. I just love sleeping and playing video games" 

"And last but not least, I am Natalie I like writing stories " Well Natalie is the girl who pulled me into this room.

"Well, guys it is a pleasure meeting you. I  like playing the piano and sometimes I play basketball." All of them just gave me an amused look. 

"I never met a girl who played basketball, you know" Jordan claimed

"I know I am weird "

"I did not mean it that way, It is just that I am surprised that is all"

"O-oh It is okay " I smiled at him

"So from what I can tell, you do not talk to people a lot do you ?" Natalie said starting a conversation 

"Uh no. I just do not have many friends to talk to, that is all " It is good that I said not many friends ... if I said do not have friends I will look pitiful.

"Well, there is no need to be all tense... We are your friends here so I hope we get along"

Natalie said and the rest nodded in agreement...I don't know what took over me I suddenly felt all happy and joyful.

"You know, I wanna hear you playing the piano..." Jordan said.

"I am not that good but maybe one day, kay ?"

"How about now?" 

"H-Huh? There is no piano here though"

"There is. Let me show you "  For some reason everyone was shocked ... I have no idea if they are shocked because there is a piano or because of something else.

"Hey bro are you sure? " Heather asked Jordan.

"I am. Now let me see how good you are Y/n" he turned and smiled at me.

For some reason, when Jordan called me it felt weird inside... I am probably overthinking though

Hey guys I am back with Double updates now ... I hope you like this story.

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