Creatures roam in caves. And we fell in a cave. Oh oh...

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I am indecisive. Not only is it amazing how I somehow managed to find my way to the path, but also that I didn't make any wrong turns. Lieutenant was already back and walking by my side when I thought I had seen one of them. Impossible. They wouldn't dare nesting this close. I had to have seen a fox or another thing that could be confused with one of those...

The landscape was beautiful. The scenery had grown green since the last time I had seen it, but it was nonetheless a delectable view. It had to be the end of the second period of the year, spring was about to end in order to let summer take over every inch of terrain.  Every ounce of round oozed joy in its own way. 

Each plant had its flowers, varying in size and colour, blooming at an impossible beauty that made the sun shine in jealousy. It was a wonderful spectacle, what a day to witness! Certainly Tak had been generous letting me enjoy the present day. It was only under his watch that plants would be as magnifficent as they were, the garden I remember in the capital city's palace would shriek and shrink in shame if it were to observe this.

A yellow and black flower the size of a cart's wheel seemed to have replaced another sign that marked the division of the trail in two. The one at the left, dark and grim, had a frightful appearance. The one at the left, however, was a continuation of Tak's blessing. It also had a stone path, so I guessed that it was the trail to follow if I were to find civilization.


Another fast movement that made me turn. The bright crimson shell of one of those bastards.

Now I was sure. It was them. I couldn't look afraid or they'd jump. Lieutenant couldn't possibly have spotted them. Why were they here? How did they get here? The King's Shield should've kept them at bay. Had King's Shield fallen within the last decades? Impossible. Even if all known civilizations had fallen, it had automation mechanisms that could've kept on working until the end of time. 

So they were brought here.

If there's a queen with them, I should head far from here. However, the place is quite lively yet. I should investigate before running away.

My bones then started making a rattle-like sound out of the fear I was feeling. I had seen them in action. I knew what a few hundreds were capable of. Those pests are now tainting our land. Unacceptable. Unbearable. Outrageous. The king wouldn't have allowed this. 

I remember fighting them when I still had flesh wrapped around my bones, though. How ferocious they were. Their mercilessness. A swarm of death: the Crawling Hive. A curse laid on the infidels that got out of control. They just feed and reproduce. No pity. No remorse. No gods. Just death, destruction and infertile lands after them. A sound woke me up from my daydream.

The ground. It was moving.

Having already forgotten any safety lessons, I ran towards the first stone I saw to save my life, Lieutenant aggressively hissing at every direction she could. The path then opened and Lieutenant and I, with no way to scape, fell down. 

It had been a nice second chance, I thought. A variable that escaped my control had ended it, though, and that was ok. I had done my very best while up there. Goodbye again, world.

The woman's voice sang again in my mind.

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