The darkness within the outside

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-So we finally meet, my boy... I have to say I'm impressed you made it this far. Perhaps it was your friends, or maybe I have perfected the spell.

He was tossing words like a drunkard would, but he was perfectly sober.

-Uh, sir... May I ask why-

-You may not ask nothing-he interrupted me- I'm the one with the questions here. Now... Are you willing to help your master accomplish his goal? 

He had a devilish aura. My creator, a supreme among mortals, had been using the power lent by the Gods to his own personal benefit, and for nothing good.

-What for, master?

-Xenta, the lights.

Xenta turned off the oil lamps and blew the candles, and in complete darkness, a light sparked in front of me.

-This, my dear creation, is a luminogram. 

The light flickered and turned into a defined figure.

-See this?-master said-This is the God's home, their palace. The magestic palace above from where they spit on us.

I gave a step back.

-No, fear not, my glorious creation. You know we're in a Qûlquer, right? From here, we can destroy them with their palace. This is what I've been waiting for since I was elected five hundred and forty years ago. Today, my creation and I will end the God's tyranny once and for all!

He was really into his evil speech, but I was way more into getting Lieutenant out of there. Then, Lieutenant shivered and my creator interrupted his evil speech.

-I thought it was just us three in here.

I stepped back again.

-Well, um... It happens that  I... uh... have a friend with me... inside of me, to be more precise...

-What? Tell your friend to get out!

Lieutenant surprisingly obeyed and jumped from my shoulder after crawling from my ribcage. The master's face turned wax-white and his expression decomposed.

-T-treason!-he shouted-Gods agreed not to enter Qûlquers!

-But cats didn't.

Lieutenant then disappeared in black mist. The room became colder and darker.

-I have heard your plans for Godhood, inferior being.

-Get out! You can't be here!

Master's face was the most terrified I had ever seen. Where Lieutenant had once stood, there was now a person, an incarnation of Sateh, in front of us.

-I couldn't enter, so the cat did. I just changed my place with hers in her body when I judged I'd had enough of your little crazy drive. If I had entered the room, I'd be dead now. But being here doesn't count.

-That damned god of contracts!

The master tried to cast a magic spell, a black level one. However, Sateh laughed it off and disappeared in mist. A voice was heard all over the room:

-Qûlquer guardian Lihn Sasha, after hearing the heinous crime you meant to commit against the Gods, you have been found guilty of treason... You're already familiar with the punishment.

I thought master was going to pass away. He franktically shouted for help and screamed as hard as a human possibly could. Reliquitur started punching the door.

The mist concentrated around him as he writhed in pain. Blood started coming out of his eyes, mouth and ears. I just couldn't see it, so I turned around and prayed for his end to be more silent. After two of the longest, most insufferable minutes of my life (Or death?) The lighting came back and the room became silent as ever. Xenta was on the floor, lying down unconscious.

-Thank you, son.

Sateh appeared in front of me again. I kneeled.

-You knew this all along, my Lord?-I asked.

-Yes, I did. All gods did. We just needed the proof to punish him. He'll be having fun in hell right now. I hope Turi-hå will be merciless upon that arrogant soul. But... What about you, my child? Your creator is gone. Now, you're doomed to roam around the planet for eternity, or...

-Or?-I asked, nervous.

Or you could become the guardian of this Qûlquer, now that its wise elder is, well, dead.

I looked at my creator's body. It was quickly decomposing.

-Am I worthy of such honor, my Lord?

Sateh laughed.

-Of course! I have been observing you for quite the time now, and have deemed you more than worthy.

-Then, my Lord, let your will be done in my bones.

Sateh spread both hands and I started levitating. My armor turned white, aand the iron turned into silk. I was officially an elder guardian. I kneeled and thanked him.

-No, thank you for helping me get in here... to think I'm the only god who's been in here, huh? Now, if you'll excuse  me, I have to go and flex this moment for all of eternity... After I'm done with this.

Sateh then grabbed Lieutenant, who had appeared mid-air.

-Now, what about giving you some company? Specially since Xenta will have to go elsewhere after this.

Lieutenant shone bright and her black fur became radiant.

-An undead and his immortal cat, guarding a Qûlquer forever... 

Sateh smiled endearingly.

-This, my friend, is the very definition of love. A person who's helped and protected his friends, being propperly rewarded. Now, expect nothing but the favor of the Gods on you if you keep behaving like that.

I had so many questions, but I feared those would go unanswered.

-So, until next time, my Lord?

-Until next time, my friend.

Sateh evaporated, leaving a seed at his feet. My questions were unanswered, but my heart was sated. I guess that, since Lieutenant and I were toguether, Reliquitur wuold be upset, but going home. We bid farewell to Xenta, who wanted to become the apprentice of another elder, and prepared to face the future with bright expectations. Oh boy, it sure has been nice to be alive again.


We have finally reached the end! I'm so happy to have my first book ever finished, and that you supported both it as work and me as artist! I am saying goodbye to my characters with tears of happiness in my eyes, knowing that a bright future awaits me!

(Please follow, like, share, etc. etc. Y'all already know how this goes).

Hope I'll see you reading other works by me!

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