*Lore chapter: Religion*

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Well hello, dear readers! We have already gotten to the seventh week of weekly chapters, and today the chapter is... bruh, you read the title did you? Anyway, let's begin! Hope you've liked everything so far :)!

As seen in previous chapters, our skeleton man is a quite religious man. He constantly prays and thanks the gods for one thing or another, but... Who are they? Who's the most important?

The belief is actually called Yu-ur. In its sacred book, the Chitó, there is a part dedicated to the divine hierarchy which is translatd here for you to read:

"After the third Bats'ardzak war, deities decided an arranged order would be the best for mortal life to thrive under their watch. This way, a hierarchy was born. 

In the lowest step of the pyramid, the Social Divinities can be found. They ensure the civilised beings' wellfare and are the most numerous regarding the other categories. Among them we find:

-Li-Tek, Goddess of wealth

-Stärk-eh, God of war and conflicts

-Emeh-inem, God of music

-Ga-rumeh, Goddess of languages 

-Gav-il-hán, God of cities and urban concentrations

-Pa-doréh, God of knowledge and wisdom

These are the most important. Now, to the superior step: Emotional Gods. Their sovereignty is, of course, over feelings. Naturally, not only civilised beings' feelings, but every living being's. This includes, but isn't limited to:

-Dal-O, God of wrath

-Dkira, Divinity of love

-Dobrev, God of goodwill

-Kommodūs, God of Sloth

This leads us to the second group in importance:the Elemental Deities. They reign over every non-precursor element in the universe and life and death, for dust we are and dust we'll be. This list is so large that we've ony written out the most important ones:

-Tak, God of nature and life

-Turr-hå, God of death and infertility

Teka-a, Goddess of water

Tehiga, Goddess of fire

Tel-Dorik, god of metal and alchemy

Now, the most important: the Demiurgic Gods. Half of the deities in this category are older than time itself, and are both the reason of our existence and our very existence: the universe itself. Only four Gods are in this classification:

-Saráh, Goddess of light

-Sateh, God of darkness

-Shøla, Goddess of air

-Szidáh, God of matter

These last four are everything. The light we enjoy. The darkness we fear. The air we breathe. The ground we step on. Every God is immortal for mortals, but mortal for other Gods. For that's the golden rule: only by one God can another be beheaded. In them there's everything and out of them there's nothing. Only they exist, for they are us and we are they.

Long live the Yu-ur's beliefs! May there be no mercy for the infidels once the fourth and last Bats'ardzak has begun."

The rest of this book lies forgotten under someone's staircase. If you think you are ready to unveil more lore, you will have to wait for another six chapters. 

I hope you liked the "fragment of lore amidst the story to improve the understanding" format. If there are no complaints, it will continue until the story is done. Then, a specific lore book is planned (and perhaps an edition of the Chitó, Pa-doréh knows!)only thing I do want right now is more people enjoying the story, though. I wish there were more readers and fans.

See (actually, "be read by") you next week!

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