Pretty impressive, don't do that again.

3 0 0

Things were going pretty smooth after the attepted mugging. The magic child or small person or whatever, to whom we now owed our lives, Xenta, looked like soething I was unable to identify. The problem here is, I recognised the symbols she casted and the tatoos, but couldn't bring myself to any conclusion. While I couldn't decide wether she was an ally or a coincidential boost, Reliquitur had already spotted what he himself called "refueling point" (days before he'd said that it was a cult outpost or something, I'm not paid to remember his exact words). A moment of confusion and a conversation later, Reliquitur's "friends" (or fellow cultists or whatever) almost had me deified. 

-He defeated... You?-One said- with that ease? Hard to believe!

-Whoa-mumbled the other-. An actual undead! The closest I've been to seeing one was that time your mother visited, Iker.

-Really-said the other, amused-? Did you forget your wife visited after her, Zola?

They both laughed. Reliquitur laughed, too. I, however, felt weird. It was like another sword stabbing my chest, one that actually hurt.

All of my friends were dead. And it's not like I could do a thing to help that. But wait, aren't reliquitur and Lieutenant my friends?

Well, absolutely. I just meant  the ones from my past, the faces and voices being formed in my head. One's height, the other's scars tearing her back like a game under an unexperienced knife...  

By the gods, I'd forgotten so many good people until then.

-The sun's already setting-the one named Iker rescued me from drowning in my nostalgic thoughts-. Why don't you stay for the night?

Reliquitur meant to refuse politely, but the way I rushed to accept was even more polite. And like that, I was sleeping in a bed for the first time in half a century.

Wait. Sleeping? I'd not needed sleep until then... but I hadn't felt sleepy or tired before. All I was feeling was emptiness. But not within me. Was I... Dreaming?

Well it had begun to definitely feel real. 

-The warrior shall be granted control over an element-said a black figure standing beside me-. Which one? 

-We've already talked about this before-a light orb the size of a house descended upon us-. The little man already has many advantages. And now he can talk and think (and reason, dear gods!), which makes him way more dangerous and an outrageous blasphemy. You know what our scritures said, in this case you wrote them. "No being of the darkness may be allowed to use-

-its thought, light of the mind, to serve the darkness blah, blah, blah. Yes. But he isn't serving the dark. Right now, our creature is serving the primary purpose of all life-to thrive and find a meaning.

-Would you, The-light-that-always-shines, deny that enlightenment to a creature?

Although the light orb couldn't phisically express any emotion, I understood that the dark silhouette had hit a spot. And I then realised and fell on my knees. I was being honored with a sight most mortals wouldn't even know about. I was observing the gods, light and darkness nonetheless, discussing my future. I would've cried. The light spoke for the last time before leaving:

-Ok, do whatever you want with him. But if he gets out of the right path, I'll destroy him at will.

Then, the dark spoke to me.

-Alright my friend, that was an intense conversation, right? I hadn't seen her that tense since the death of Ka-Alel. Anyway, let's be succint. I'm offering you a present. A new... ability, if you may. I know you're not used to mana-consuming activities, so I'll sum this up for you. Your skill as a swordsman is good, but once you wake up you'll be able to mix it with basic element magic. Please try not to die in the process. You're a valuable pawn... yet. I know, you're mute from the surprise, I'll do the talking. Just ask anyone with a basic knowledge of element magic the how to's. You also should rush to your destination. The right time is about to stop being so. Farewell, my boy. Oh, and make sure Lieutenant is well fed. Her favourite snack is smoked meat.

What a trip, I thought when I woke up. And then, I realised it all had been real.


Apologies on the delay! I had a network malfunction and a busy weekend. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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