The thirsty pays a higher price for the water

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They didn't seem angry. At first, I was freaking out. You know, I think everyone would if goblins the size of one's hand tied them up and dragged them around for what felt like hours. They put me within a cave that looked like a tiny base, with tiny bridges and tiny torches and weapons and tiny guards all around. It was like the house of a neighbor of mine who carved toys in wood and had a model of an army going to war her children played with quite often. Woah, yet another flash of the past. 

-Is the bone thing alive?-one of them asked- Keognik needs the giant bone thing alive.

-Keognik will have her bone thing alive by dawn-the other confirmed-! But first, it needs to be convinced-

-Convinced of what?

Everything went quiet. Time seemed to stop for the longest seconds I'd ever lived until someone dared to speak:

-All hail Keognik-one shouted-!

-All hail!-The rest roared.

-Is this the fellow supposed to help us?

-Yes it is, your highness. we caught it sleeping in the forest.

-Meaning it should wake up for tomorrow's battle, your highness!

-Guards, behead him.

After Keognik said that, the last goblin who spoke got handcuffed by two guards and scorted out while begging for mercy and profusely apologising. 

-Please, spare my life!- he begged-I have children!

After a few seconds, the noise ceased and the couple of guards came back without the other goblin. The merciless Keognik then spoke to me:

-I don't like it when people shout at me. It makes me feel... 

She coldly hesitated for a second, tasting the fear in the air

-It makes me feel unwell-then she directed her words towards the rest of her people-. I want him to be the last beheaded for that, at least for this year. Understood?

Everyone nodded, fearfully silent. She imposed respect and fear in whoever spoke to her and she knew and enjoyed it.

-So, giant bone-thing... can you speak?

-Um... kind of?-I answered.

-Good, now know that yours is the honor of serving the nobles cause any living being has ever fought for: me.

She then explained briefly the intrincate social relations between her and an opposite goblin faction with the airs of a smarty. I wasn't good for politics and those things, so I just swallowed the information and hoped for her to end or say something important.

-[...] and that's when YOU enter the main frame!-she said, excited-you will be our wonder-weapon, a giant to uswho will be both an omen of death and the harbinger of destruction!

She turned to her men once again.

-We ride at dawn, minions! This time, victory will definitely be ours! Glory to Me!

That said, activity resumed like in an anthill. Small grery dots moving across what looked like a wooden building. However, the texture of the walls made it look like it was carved within a tree.

What time could it be? It was obviously not sunrise yet. Reliquitur and Lieutenant would miss me for sure if they woke up to me not being there.

After a while, they attached my ties  to a sort of steam locomotive that lifted me. There was a window through which I could peek, but I immediatly regretted not having eyelids.

Awful look.

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