The End (My Only Friend, The End)

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Yep, this is it. This is the final chapter of this book. My god, what a wild ride

I started this book two years ago for my love of classic rock, and look where we are now

I wanna thank y'all for the likes, comments, and reads for this book. I never anticipated I would have over 13,000 people read this and over 800 people like it

Jeez I'm getting emotional

I remember when I started this book I was thinking about the day I would have to end it and how I would use a Doors reference in the title, and you bet your ass I did just that

I made quite a few friends because of my love for rock music and I forgot some of y'all's names because y'all done did changed your usernames or deleted your accounts. Y'all know who you are, you guys are cool

I got three in particular who are like my bestest buddies because we all like rock music. You already guessed by now, but 1-800-NORDIK, Cybervile, and -floraljackets are like the coolest people I've ever met

Like seriously, y'all are like the best. Love y'all

I do wanna mention that after this I won't be updating my stories. I'm officially retiring from writing (on this account, at least)

Thank you guys for these last two years of me rambling about bands old enough to be my dad

So that brings us to the last song of the week. The song of the week goes to...

Well, that leaves you guys. You decide what the song of the week goes to. It can be anything rock related

Well, that's all for me. Thanks for making these two years some of the best of my life


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