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Zamzam's Pov.

"No, get out!",

I slam the door but he put his hand and pushed hard making me stumble almost hitting my head.

I try grabbing my hijab but i hear the door slammed, as i turn only to find that scary faced looking man looking down at me.

"What do you think your doing?", I yell in anger as he smirks.

"Trying to help you undress", He answers coming close.

'Yah Allah,help me.

'Zamzam, recite Ayatul Kursi (Dua that helps in every problems).

"Stop or else you'll regret", I warn moving backwards.

"Ops am scared",

He says as he starts laughing while he mives closer as i push him hard.

"Stay away, Help!!", "Som__",

He shuts my mouth as he placed his big hand on my mouth and leans in close.

"Noone's coming for you Baby doll, you're all mine", He smirks holding me inappropriately.

"You dog, lemme go",

I hit his groin as he groans, thanks to my heeled shoes as i push him heading for the door.

"Fuck you bitch",

He tries holding me but i bite his hand hard having him groan as i try hard opening the door.


I yell when he grabbed my hair tightly pulling me to him.

"I was gonna go easy on you but now, i shall teach you a lesson",

He moves close trying kiss me as i try pushing him away with my hands.

"Leave me, Help! help me", I scream as loud as i can as tears starts to form.

He grabbed my hands tightly slaming me on the wall and manages to get close.

"Leave me__", I stop screaming as i hear footsteps.


He covers my mouth with his hand before i could scream.

"Excuse me", A lady's voice calls out.

"Maam you in?", She again calls as i feel myself drain out.

"Is there anything i can help you with?", I heard her sigh and leave

I bite his hands but no he didn't even flinch.

'this is my end, no!

I manage getting hold of one of his finger and twist it hard as he groans trying to twist my hands, i dodge failing his attempt while taking my hijab pin.

"You bitch!",

He raising his hand trying to hit me but i dug my pin into his skin hard and deep and hit his groin so hard rendering him helplessly struggling.

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