Goodbye gifts🌺

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Zam's pov

"Ok, Maria this is for you and these heels",

I take out a beautiful long dress, with silver embellishment, her eyes widened Plus i took out four pairs of highheels.

"Thankyou, They are beautiful", She smiled genuinely and i gave it to her.

Well for Maria we had arranged a date for her once and didn't have any outfits,her all outfits were only black pants and some blouses or Shirts.

"Maa for you here". I gave her sandals. It's type of comfortable rubber in sandals way.

" Azrah told me you can't walk for long cause your legs hurt, This will help, (Poppi) Grandy specially orders for Nonni(Nanny)", I say as she smiled widely, and tries it on.

"It's so comfy", she said excitedly.

"and Maa! here are some of Pulazos and Fat pants, I know you prefer dresses but recently you almost tripped and It's free size", I explain myself then stopped catching my breaths.

"How did you know her size?", Azrah asks in doubt, "Free size", I rephrase.

"Maa, and here is some massaging oil", I hand her a big bottle of herbal oil.

"Once you apply it on your hair or any aching parts within two minutes your pain will vanish", I direct still busy catching my breath.

"Ow, and these sweets", I gave her, "But dear, i am prohibited", She says pouting.

"Don't worry, even my Poppi(Grandy), and Nonni(nanny) are not allowed so mom specially orders for them so yah..."I chuckle not finding words so did they.

"Oww, speaker! I saved all qur'an surahs in here, Just say a word any qur'an(Holy book) verse or any volume will be played", After emptying my bags i sat, sighing hard.

"Dear and for yourself?", Maa looks so bothered when when she asked.

"I got everything already, as for clothes I am so comfortable with these ones, and i am not an out going person, so its all good", I speak smiling at her.

Maa sighed and hugged me, and i hugged her back.

"Now i know why Maa and Maria adore you alot", Azrah mutters with so much of admiration.

"I never thought Maa might need anything but you in a few weeks you caught everything maa needs", She adds casting down embarrased.

" Azrah, I guess I knew what Maa needed cause everyone in my family needs one of those, otherwise i aint a  genius, duuh!," I say pretending to be mean. instead they all laughed.

"Dear! with so much good values and upbringing you have, my son doesn't deserve you, just divorce him, you can get any guy who will love you and respect you", Mom said with tears but her voice filled with anger.

"I am, I am leaving tomorrow!" I said hesitatingly, casting down.

"You are!", Maria and Azrah both said simultaneously, I chuckled.

" Yes, but i will be seeing you don't worry!",I assured them, despite them being confussed.

"I am so sorry for what my son did to you and Thank you", Maa said making me wriggle my eyebrow.

"What for thankyou?", I ask politely but confused.

"Atleast for few days you made me feel, what it feels having such daughter-in-law, though i take you as my daughter", She said.

"I know soon i will be meeting my creator but for these few moments, It was so pleasury peaceful", Maa adds tearing down.

"I just wish i had known sooner about what Azaad did, If possible please forgive me", Maa continued speaking.

" Maa, you don't have to apologise, as for your sickness Allahu Yashfeek (May Allah cure you), you are strong and will always be my Maa, I promise", I said taking her hand and Kiss it.

As I turned, I saw Azrah, Elizer Esther crying.

"Guys, don't, besides we'll be seeing eachother for three months", They looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?", Maria asked in amid of sniffles.

I stood from my place and head towards her, I wiped her tears and hug her.

"Cause my sister, Humaiza's getting married and Mommy insists you all to come one month before wedding", I enuciate my words to them.

"But dear, After what Azaad did", Maa says looking so embarrassed.

"My family knows everything, and they are excited to meet you", I said full of enthusiasm.

"Azrah, my sisters are mostly excited for you",I tell her as she gave me disbelieving eyes.

"Oww no!, we can't come!" Esther yelps. "Why?",I asked confusingly.

"Cause next three weeks we got to prepare for our finals", Elizer says disappointedly.

"It's fine, but mom told me to tell you if you two don't appear she'll drag you from where you'd be hiding", I mimicked mom.

"We'll be there. we promise" They smiled and hugged me.

"And yes, I mean everyone", I said indicating Him, Azrah and everyone turned to face him.

Azaad's pov

The way she said, 'And yes, I mean everyone' I knew she meant I, and everyone turned towards me.

Mom and Azrah like eversince we came here all they gave me was hurtful stares.

She's leaving, She's leaving you, and maybe after few months she'll be someone else's.

She's mine and will always be mine.


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