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Azaad's Pov.

Fuck! I miss her so bad.

All this new feeling, drastic change i went through for and cause of her had me struggling during my first Holy Month of Ramadhan.

I wanna be with her but I know i have to go through this.


It's hard but worth it.

After cracking Billions worth of deal and Alhamdulillah, i thought it's enough now.

I should head back, i miss her so freaking bad, too bad i got a meeting with my employees so i have to meet her after this.

"Urgh!", I groan as i stretch myself in my office.

I feel a hand on my chest as i jerk around and find i find Madeleine.

"Azaad, I missed you",

She purrs huging me as i growl.

One of the night standers and i warned her not to follow me cause it was a one night thing but fuck her!

"What the fuck are you doing here?", I push her away.

"I missed you, didn't you?", She tries to hug me but i push her hands away.

"I told you not to come here! i warned you to stay away!", I shout as she sighs.

"But i miss you, we had a great time and i just heard that you're married", She pouts as i cringe my face at how she looks despite the plastics.

"Yes, I am a married man, now get out", I raise my voice as she flinch.

"No!but I am your everything, We had Good time Azaad, practically i am your life Azaad", She hugs me as
i try taking her hands off me.

"I said le__",

"Zamzam", I look at my angry faced wife as she slams the door and leave.


I rush out only to find her with my P.A and H.R and other employees.

As i get out entire office became quiet.

"Zamzam", I call her she turns and leave.

'She's angry shit.

"Sir look what_",

"You're fired!", I growl as i rake my fingers through my hair.

"What?", She gasped.

"I SAID YOU'RE FIRED, now get out!", I growl, already irritated as she flinched.


I enter and find the source of my problem as the security showing her way out.

'What have i done?.


Zamzam's Pov.

Leaving from Azaad's office to my cute cafè and stayed busy attending the customers, helping them to choose the type of books they wanted to lend.

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