Wedding H♡A🌺

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A cute wedding pictures chosen by zammmy004 enjoy.

___♢A cute wedding pictures chosen by zammmy004 enjoy

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Zamzam's Pov.

It's Humaiza's marriage finally, Alhamdulillah, Everything's done perfectly until now, she insisted us to give her company in the room because she is so nervous being alone.

Humaiza nervous, hah!.

Dad and poppi came in to inform Mom that they are leaving for mosque to solemnise the marriage.

"Love we a__", Dad stops in the mid-way when his eyes fell on Humaiza.

He couldn't control his tears neither could Humaiza, he hugged her while wiping his tears.

"You've grown up now", Dad says patting her head.

"Honey, it's time", Mom wipes her tears as Dad pecks Humaiza's forehead.

Maa, Mom and Sayaad's Mom became very close as for Granma she got no time for anyone since she's with Noni.

Alhamdulillah, Humaiza said her I dos in jiff as we chuckled, as for Mom she kept us as Humaiza's guards avoiding our cousins and our aunties filling her ears like how they did to me.

Amir's sisters, Afiya and Asiya and their elder sister, MashaAllah they look spectacular though they are noisier than Humaiza.

"I can't wait for you to come home", Afiya squealed.

"Aunty, i think we should get you thick ear pods", Safirah tease as Amir's Mom laughed.

"Don't worry, i'll be running away leaving them alone", She joked as everyone laughed.

Alhamdulillah, after Humaiza saying I dos, and now we are waiting for men to come while my impatient sister Humaiza kept asking for her Husband entertaining us indirectly.

"Where are they?", She pouts gazing around.

"Hy, you desperately want to leave us", Safirah pouts.

"No, why would i be?", She pouts almost crying.

"No, don't cry, you are gonna smear your makeup and Amir will runaway soon as he sees you", Asiya teases.

"Really!", Humaiza widens her eyes as everyone chuckles.

"Humaiza dear, he'll be here", Amir's mom assures her

"Aw! i know why she's impatient", Afiya teases gaining a smack from her Mom.

"Nonni, stop crying please", Humaiza hugs Nonni.

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