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Zamzam's Pov.

I am seated at the terrace thinking ofon my sorrowful life, how fancy my life turned out to be. Nothing has changed, everything's just the same.

It's been Five years of my marrige but like always i have tears in my eyes, like always i have to pretend being happy inorder to escape from sympathy.

Nothing's changed in my life except today My husband's here with me yet so far away from me.

'Ya Allah, i have utmost faith in you but will my heart be able to bear it for too long"

'I trust your plans but will my scarred soul be able to heal.

I believe you wouldn't let anyone down but will i be able to restore my happy life like before.

I shut my eyes letting few sobs escape my lips, i look up at the clear sky with more tears forming in my eyes.

'How i thought like every stormy there's a clear sky, my life will turn out to be exact, but hah!__

I was happy that finally i felt how it feels to love and be loved,... that finally my heart experienced the feeling that i've been seeing throughout my childhood from my parents and my sisters.

How overwhelmed i was that these feeling, beautiful emotion was for none other than my husband but__.

Letting my tears get carried away by the wind, sitting here and let my thoughts take over me, 'It's enough for today. i stand from where i was sitting, wiping my years and turn to leave i find Azaad!.

He's looking down at me with pain visible in his eyes and he seems pretty tired.

His thick messy hair being more ruffled by the wind, His full shade pink lips presses together, his chiselled jaws keeps on clenching and unclenching.

How deeply i fell for every bits of him and i still do but Pain, it hurts so much that keeps remembering all that happened.

While staring at eachother so deeply my eyes fell on his legs that were towards me, Alhamdulillah there is a bench that i passed opposite way making sure not to cross paths with him.

"Zamzam", His voice sound tired as he calls out to me.

"Just once, listen to me please",

He pleads as i stand not looking at him  as more tears form into my eyes.

"I_ am sorry?, i have to go",

I blurt out more like i squealed taking another step.

"Just once, after this i won't try to make any attempt if you still wouldn't want me close to you",

I wipe my eyes and take a deep breath.

'It's gonna be fine, just listen to him.

I wipe my eyes before going to him, as he points the bench for me to take my seat, as i sit my eyes cast down, fidgeting my fingers, my heartbeat beating too hard ready to hear him, ready to forgive him and to hug him.

While casting down, Azaad kneels as our eyes meet, i keep staring at his deeply blue eyes filled with nothing but Pain, how my heart wants to embrace him, how desperately i wanna hold him.

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