My day🌺

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Sneak peak..


"No!, i won't let that happen".

Mom shouts at Granddad her voice cracking .

Grandad laughs.

"She is my Granddaughter, and she gave her consent".

"Maa, it's true I do wanna get married".

Everyone fell silent after what i said

Humaiza walked to where I was and Shouted at me.

"Are you mad?, do you even know who the guy is?".

I wanna break down, cry out to my misery but no!, I can't.

Sayaad came as-well.

"I know this hitler did something or said something, but whatever it is don't marry anyone he tells you, Please".

Everyone tried to convince me to say no but...I have to Get married.

○ ●

Safirah's P.

After the drama created by my Grandad, I thought my wedding day will be my worst nightmare but noh!, Dad didn't let it happen.

We were preparing for my big day, Me, Mom, Noni, Zamzam and Humaiza in our room

We heard a scream coming from downstairs.

"How dare you approve for this?, i don't approve this alliance",

We stare at eachother furrowing our brows before Mom breaking the silence.

"He sounds like__",

After realizing we widened our eyes before we all rushed downstairs.

Granddad sat in a couch looking all angry, beside sat Dad and Poppi

"What's wrong?", Nonni asks.

"I prefer discussing this with Men of the family, women of our family never speak infront of men",

Grandad brags as Poppi smiled then spoke calmly.

"But this is my family, and my rules is women are our first priority, so feel free"

Poppi extends his hand as Nonni went to sit beside him.

Dad whereas is nervous, he knows how his dad is, he looks at mom and giving her assuring smile.

"Harris, how can you fix your daughter's marriage with that italian Boy?",

Grandpa yells as Dad sighs after being asked ridiculous question.

"Dad, kids love eachother, anyways italian or irish what matters is he is a muslim right!",

Dad tried to talk sense to his Dad while He knows, He will never give his consent.

"Doesn't mean you got yourself an out-caste girl i will keep quiet when it comes to my grandchildren",

Grandad screams as Dad squeezed Moms hand and Mom smiled at Dad reassuring him.

"I chose a guy for my granddaughter, he is rich and got a family like ours",

Grandpa stands up straightening his blazer, Safirah's face looks like she's gonna cry.

Noni went to where she is and calms her down.

"Don't worry, you're Dad and Poppi are here right?",

Nonni assures her as she nods but her fiddling with her fingers shows how anxious she is.

"This marriage is not accepted by me".

Grandpa said and Safirah scoffed.

"It's fine, anyways you never really accepted us, nor our mom",

Safirah retorts as Grandpa shot her a glare.

Nonni head back to sit near Poppi.

"Ok that's enough! This wedding will happen and whoever wants to attend you're welcome".

Nonni states as Grandpa stands up furiously.

"This is an absolute insult, a woman giving orders and this wedding will not get my blessings do what you want",

Then He left.


I Head out hop in my car and drive away too.

I agree I don't like him but all our cousins have him while Me and my sisters have been dying for his love.

He hates our Mom so bad that he once tried to separate us from our parents.

Accusing Mom's company to be fraud and what not. still Even a slight love would've been sufficient for us.

But Allahu Yaag'lam( God Knows) if Dad wouldn't be with Mom, then we wouldn't exist.

Alhamdulillah (Thank God)

Things went perfectly, our cousins from Mom's side, relatives, Business partners all attended, it is the most amazing day for me, except no one from Dad's family came.

Dad felt bad but he's pretending to smile for me.


Humaiza and Zamzam Hugs me tight and sigh.

"We will miss you so bad".

We cried before calming ourselves and carried on with the ceremony.

"I'll miss you guys, 'specially our room".

Likewise. We will always be together and Jannah(heaven) will reunite us Ameen.

2Years later

It was always my dream to have a husband like Imraan and yes, my wish came true Alhamdulillah(Thank God).

And Wallahi( i swear) I wish the same for my sisters. 'specially to Zamzam.

The only one who dreams, prays and imagine to get a guy like Poppi and Dad and I know Allah won't do injustice to my sisters. Ameen.


Guys please


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