ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 7: 𝕬𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖔𝖔𝖓

472 10 10

Mï¢håêl'§ þ.Ö.V:

I sighed and looked up at the sky. What is up with Pete? Pete has been acting very strange lately. He's been avoiding us, staring at the vamp kids, always going out, it's worrying me. He's my best friend. I may be goth but I have feelings. Kind of.

        I got up and started walking down the street. I didn't know where I was going. I didn't even know what I was doing anymore. I found myself standing in front of the Village Inn. Haven't been here in a while. Usually me and the others just go to Tweek Bros. I went inside and sat down. I scowled at the waiter as she brought me the usual coffee. I took a sip of the steaming, black coffee. Definitely better than Tweek Bros.

        After I finished my drink, I got up, not even bothering to pay, and headed back outside. I suddenly spotted a small brown bat and a strangely colored silver bat perched upside down on a tree near the Village Inn. It was that same brown bat from earlier. I'm not sure who the silver one was though. I stared at the bats for a while. They weren't sleeping. They were squeaking at each other instead. Speaking, more like.

After a while of watching them, they looked over at me. The brown one looked surprised and fell out of the tree. The silver one look alarmed but didn't fall. I quickly rushed over to the bat. It was on the ground, flapping its wings and struggling to get up. It looked like it's right wing was broken. I carefully scooped up the little brown bat and walked back to my house. The silver-furred bat was just watching me walk off.

        As soon as I got to my house, I went inside and quickly went to my room. My parents were watching TV in the living room and I didn't get to hear what they said before I went to my room and shut my door. I placed the bat down gently on the pillow of my bed and put the pillow on a small desk I had in my gothic room. The bat looked visibly scared. Why the fuck did I even take it home? I thought grimly. I suddenly remembered Jackson and Devil, my pet ferrets. I had remembered letting them roam around my room before I left my house. I quickly looked for them and saw Devil laying down on my bed and Jackson peeping his nose out from under my bed.

        I gathered them up and put them back in their cage. I then went back over to the bat. It still looked shaken up. I slowly reached my hand out to the shaking bat. It looked at my hand for a bit before sniffing it and rubbing its fuzzy head against my fingers. I scratch the bat on its head. It squeaks in joy. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Devil and Jackson watching us with jealousy.

I then gently lifted up the bat's right wing to examine it. The bat flinched but let me look at his wing. It was bent a bit and was definitely broken. I had no idea what to do since I was not a vet. I thought about going to a vet, but decided against it since I had no money at the moment and I knew my parents would question me if I randomly asked for money. They didn't like it when I brought home random animals. I did it a lot when I was much younger and it usually ended in the animals getting thrown out of the house and me getting lectured.

Instead, I decided to head over to Pete's. He had a bat. Maybe he knew how to help me in this situation. Plus, I needed to catch up with him anyway. I put on some gloves, scooped up the bat and quickly rushed out of my house without looking at my parents. I made it to Pete's trailer and knocked on the door. Pete answered. "Michael? What are you doing here?" He asks. "I found this bat." I reply, holding up the bat. "It's wing is broken." Pete looked at me with a confused look. "What do you want me to do?" I shrug. "I don't know. You own a bat. I thought you'd maybe know what to do."

Pete now looks even more confused. "Yeah, but just because I do doesn't mean I automatically know how to cure injured bats." He replied, making motions with his hands. "Yeah, this was a really bad idea in retrospect." I shrugged again. Pete sighed. "Let's just-" He started. "Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" I could hear his dad yell. The red goth scowled and slammed the door. "Let's just go to the vet. I have enough money for a trip. Let me quickly go get Dusk." He said as he went back into his trailer. A few moments later, he came back out and shut the door. He was holding his bat in his hands. Dusk looked over to me and the brown bat and perked his ears up.

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