part 15

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Sorry for not updating in awhile but imma do it now UwU

Todo pov

Bakugou walked passed me saying 'shut up' was he talking to me?... No he wasn't he'd be screaming if he did I turned around to see him walk to the elevator he was heading to his room I desided to follow him to make sure he was alright "hey todoroki-kun!" Deku yelled with a smile almost skipping towards me "oh hello midoriya....have you knowticed anything different about about bakugou?" I asked he tilt his head and hummed "I guess he's been a bit off now that I think of it maybe it's from the kidnapping??" He answered "maybe?" I said back and walked with midoriya to the squad

Bakugou pov

I got to my room and sat on my bed with my head in my hands and started to cry "why..." I said to myself "I'm a fucking failure.." I said softly to myself I walked into my bathroom

Trigger warning

And took out my blade

Do it!


My mind screamed at me my cries grew louder as I placed the blade by my old scares and cuts "i-i deserve it.." I said chocking on my cries and sobs I slowly cut my skin with the sting I've grown close to the blood slowly flowing through the new placed cuts that I've mad with different sizes and depth

I cleaned off my cuts and wrapped them up

Trigger warning over

I got new clothes I and got ready to go with my 'Bakusquad' as they call it

Sorry for not updating in a while I've been so busy with school and everything and I haven't had the chance to update hopefully I can update more on the holiday coming up

Thank you all for your support it really means alot

Also I can't wait to start my youtube and streaming stuff for all of you to enjoy if you want to

~am I good enough♡~ (Depressed Bakugou Kiribaku)-discontinued-Where stories live. Discover now