part 4

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Baku pov

I rushed out of school home hoping my mom isn't home yet I got inside "h-hello?" I called out no answer I quickly got my things to take to the dorm and packed them in a box after that I went to sleep

~time skip~

I woke up the next morning tired because of all my nightmares I went down stairs to see my mom and 'dad' passed out on the couch I took this opportunity to quickly get ready get my things and book it out of that nasty place I got to school way at 6:10am and school only started at 8 there were a few kids there I walked to my class room and opened the door no one was there yet I put my things next to my desk and took out some papers

Come one write your notes to say goodbye your not going to be alive by tomorrow are you?

"No....." I mumbled I started wrighting my letters one for my mom, one for my dad who left, one for my friends and one for everyone I folded them and put them in my bag

See wasn't so hard now wait till later ok

"Ok...." I said out loud "ok what dude"denki said I jumped a little not knowing he was there "GOD DON'T DO that...." I trailed off "sorry dude, hey what's up u look down u good?" He asked there it was again now hes suspicious "I'm good" I replied back putting my head on my arms closing my eyes "just tiered" I said "yooo dude I've never seen this side of you?"he said all confused "don't get used to it pikachu" just then the rest of the squad was there all talking about something I wasn't paying attention what was going on I heard them all laughing and a few more people coming in

"alright class were going to be moving into dorms so get your stuff and we will take you to your dorms and you can get settled in for today" me Aziawa explained after he was done explaining we were taken to our dorms I unpacked my stuff it wasn't alot as I didn't plan on living tommorow just a few long pants and shirt and blankets I unpacked the school things on my desk alone with hiding my blades I took one blade out and put it in my pocket for later

✧◝time skip◜✧

Later that day class 1A had a competition to see who's rooms what's better I didn't win I was fun as soon as the clock hit 8 I left I placed a letter under kiris door and mom's,dad's,the classes and others on the small table near the elevator I went up to the last floor and from there took the stairs to the roof I sat on the edge looking at the view I looked up at the night sky I took off my shoes and put them behind me "finally piece and quiet no screaming from my mom it's finally going to be over....." I said out loud I stood up and took off my jacket reveling the bloody badges I took them off and looked and my arms covered in cuts and scares I got my blade and slowly started cutting my arms more than I ever did "it's finally going to be over after all these years I'm going to die!" I said with a smile as the blood flowed out my arms as my vision got blurry i closed my eyes and leaned forward and fell....

Before I blacked out I felt something grabbed my hand leaning over the edge......

Kiri pov

Me and the others noticed bakugou was gone he left with out telling us "let's go look for him guys" I said as the squad and a few others came we were all worried about him as he wasn't acting himself "I'll be back let me quickly get my phone from my dorm!" I said running off with a few flowing me I opened my door and saw a note on the floor from bakugou I opened it and started reading

Dear kiri

I'm sorry for always being so mean to you and to everyone around me I'm sorry I never told you what was going on in my life by the time your reading this I'm probably dead I couldn't take it anymore the pain my mom everything I couldn't eat or sleep just know I'm in a happy place I never got to tell you this In person but I'll tell you now cause I can't later

I love you kiri and I'll never stop I'll always be by your side so do t be sad ok?

Love bakugou

I started crying and I ran back to everyone "HEY!" I srceamed as I ran to them "yo u goo-" I cut denki off "b-bakugou he's -hes gonna.... kill.... himself!" I stuttered as everyone was shocked I turned my head to see more letters on the small table everyone looked at them "CALL AIZAWA!" I called as Iida ran off "he's probably at the roof" I said running off please don't be to later when me,mina, uraraka, denki, sero and momo got to the roof he was just sitting there talking to him self something along the lines of ' peace and quiet and no screaming' he took off his shoes and put them behind him "what do we do" denki wispered "just wait I don't want to go now or if he sees us he'll probably jump" I wispered back they all nodded he then stood up and took off his jacket I got so shocked when I saw his bloody bandages he started unwrapping them reviling scares and cuts he brought a blade to his arm and started cutting I was crying along with mina and a few in shock as they had no idea bakugou felt like this he then said "it's finally going to be over after all these years I'm going to die!" We were all stocked and that was my time to run up to him as he closed his eyes and leaned forward I rushed to him and grabbed his bloody hand I struggled to keep a grip as the blood was was making him slip "URARAKA USE UR QUIRK!" i yelled as she leaped into action I pulled him over the edge and layed I'm down "momo make some bandages and wrap up his arms!" I said as she did that Aizawa and the ambulance got to the roof and took him to the hospital

~time skip~

We all got inside and Aizawa said we will visit him tomorrow when he wakes up we took out the letters that had the name ' class mates '

Dear class mates and Friends

I'm so sorry I did what I did sorry I caused you all so many problems life wasn't for me I hope you understand that

Deku: I know you can be strong just keep trying

Mina: you were always so funny trying to keep denki from eating soup that one time

Kiri: I never got to tell you that I loved you more than anything but I know that you never felt the same

(I'm not going to do all of them so let's pretend I did lol 😂)

Every was crying at this point "going to bed" denki said wiping tears from his eyes "same" sero said Soon we all went to bed to see bakugou in the morning...

Oop done sorry if there are spelling mistakes or if it's just really bad I hoped you enjoyed till next time

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