part 6

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Bakugou pov

I had a restlessness night I had no sleep, I had no idea what I was going to do but I don't feel like getting up, I don't feel like talking to anyone, I don't feel like cleaning my room, I don't feel like unlocking my door and I don't feel like going to school so I'll just stay here

I heard rushing outside my door I turned my head to look at the clock 7:59am that's why there rushing there late for school "I'm so tiered..." I growned I turned around and snuggled back into my blanket to try sleep

Kiri pov OwO

I woke up late and was rushing to get done I ran out as fast as I could go eventually I reached to my class only 2 minutes late I opened the door to see mr Aizawa wasn't there yet nor was bakugou

"Hey have you seen bakugou?" Mina asked me

"No...have you"? I questioned

"No...hey sero u seen bakugou?"

"Na I only saw him yesterday maybe he's sleeping?" He answered unsure

"Ok take your seats" mr Aizawa said in a tired voice "were is bakugou?" "We don't know sir" Mina answered "ok let him rest for today check on him after school kirishima" Aziawa told me I nodded my head in agreement

ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡTime skip

Baku pov

I woke up to knocking on my door "hey bakubro you good?" I know that voice it's kiri I didn't answer "bakugou?" He said again I still didn't answer I didn't have the energy to say or do anything "bro I'm kinda getting worried...." He said with a slight voice crack "fine...." I said with my voice all brocken and tiered "you don't sound fine please open the door..." He said "ok..." I said slowly getting up I stood up and I was very unbalanced I wobbled to the door and opened it "bakugou!" He said I looked up at him feeling like I was gonna black out because of how tiered I was "can't sleep?" He asked I nodded in response "do you want me to sleep with y-you" he said he was redder than his hair I feel my face get warm and my blush started to settle "fine I don't m-mind" I mumbled I stepped aside to let him in

"You know...." He said I looked up at him as I sat on my bed "that letter you you....uhhh.... actually like me?" He asked my face heated up with blush creeping up on my face "y-y-yea" I stuttered I heard him sigh

He hates you

"Well that's good" he said "wha-" "I like you to" he said with a soft smile to make anyone fall in love

"I like you alot bakugou" he said sitting on my bed with his hand on my face I looked at him in his eyes "I l-love you" he said I felt my heart skip a beat I smiled In joy with a tear rolling down my face just then I felt his lips against mine I was shocked at first but then I got used to it he broke off the kiss "and I'll always be here for you no matter what"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter UwU I'll be back with new chapters later

Also sorry for any spelling mistakes 😅

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