part 8

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Baku pov

As I got done with everything I started walking to class some people were walking out there rooms I carried on walking just wanting the day to be over so I can see kiri again

Your discussing

I jumped a little at my thought it sounded so real more real than it ever did why and I thinking like that I thought I got rid of it earlier I thought to myself

No you didn't maybe you should try killing myself again and not fail this time your not worth anything to anyone

Listening to the voice in my head before I knew it I was in front of the class I opened the door no one was there yet I got to my desk and put my head on my hands my arms stung cause of this morning but I didn't care I deserved it

A few minutes later people started walking in I could feel them staring at me cause of how I tried to kill myself but failed I slowly lift up my head and looked around the room

Iida, uraraka, deku, todoroki and I few others

I felt them looking at me I turned around to look at them they all stopped staring at me I went back to putting my head on my arms I heard the Bakusquad come in I heard them all talking before "BAKUGOU!!" Mina yelled before running and hugging me I looked up and hugged her back soon kiri, denki and sero all hugged me "don't ever scare us like that again!" Mina and the others yelled the whole class was looking at us and I felt kinda uncomfortable "yea....sorry...." I spoke my voice all broken cause ik I am gonna do that again this time hopefully "leaving" I said softly I didn't mean to it just escaped my mouth "what?" She ask "nothing just thinking out loud" I said laughing nervously "promise us you won't do that again!" Denki said with a worried be hurt voice

You hurt them look what you did you pathetic pice of shit what you gonna say now look you doing making them worry about someone like you how weak

The voice got louder everyone in the class was looking at me "I-..." My words were getting stuck "bakugou pls... promise us you won't...." Mina said on the verge of tears I started scratching at my arms "I...-i uhh..." I tried opening my mouth to speak my ears were ringing of the uncomfortable silence in the room I started panicking what am I going to do I don't wanna hurt them

But you will

No I won-

Yes you will thats all you have been doing in your life hurting the ones you love

"STOP!....JUST!....stop.." I yelled trailing off of the end I was shaking with tears forming in my eyes threatening to fall at any minute that's when kiri stept in and hugged me I hugged him I tightened my grip around him and cried into his chest he wispered sweet words in my ear rubbing circles on my back it's so carming

He hates you!

The voice yelled at me I looked up at him and kissed him mina and a few other girls in the class squealed and screamed in excitement "MY SHIP IS SAILINGGGGGG~!" Mina yelled a blush crept on both of our faces just then the bell rang for class to start

Imma be making the next chapter now UwU sorry for the wait

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