part 3

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Bakugou pov

Aizawa walked in and told us to sit down after everyone was seated he went on with teaching I wasn't paying much attention as I got no sleep at all I was so tired I started drifting to sleep leaving me with my thoughts




No one needs you



"BAKUGOU KASUKI!" yelled Aizawa "DON'T HU-" I quickly stoped what I was going to say when I realised it was my teacher "sorry..." I said letting my mask slip off for a second "Woa- did he-....just..... apologize?!" Denki said from across the room "NO YOU DAMN PIKACHU!" I yelled "ok keep it down and you bakugou see me after class" he asked me "tch!" I answered back class went on for another 2 hours and eventually it was lunch time I packed up my things about to head to the bathroom but I was stopped by the teacher "bakugou? Are you alright?" He asked me oh god I'm making people worry I'm so weak "bakugou?" He asked again "HUH! OF COURSE IM FINE!" i yelled "ok just making sure?" He said as I left to go to the bathroom

Man you truly are weak you deserve...let's see about five cuts on each arm for loosing your mask another for making some one think your weak and the others just because you deserve it

"I know..." I mumbled under my breath while walking past some one I wasn't to sure who it was as I was looking down at the floor

Kiri pov

What did bakugou just say 'i know...' he sounded so sad I'll just ask him later

Bakugou has been acting very wierd lately and I'm not sure if any one else has knoticed but it almost seems like he's putting on an act of some sort well I'll ask him later today or I'll stop by his place later

Baku pov

I got to the bathroom and locked the door I took out my small blade out my bag I rolled up my sleeves and undid the old bandages and saw old scares, healing ones and new ones I slowly placed the blade on my arm and slide it across my arm I watched the blood poor out onto the floor with a sound of dripping blood I carried on cutting till I had five cuts on each arm I heard a knock on the door I jumped a little and quickly clean up I unlocked the door to see Shitty Hair!! "What!" I growled "bro u good the squad is looking for u man" he said clarmly "I was by Aziawa then I went to the bathroom we can go now" I said not yelling not shouting nothing I didn't really feel like yelling "ok bakubro let's go!" He said grabbing my arm witch mad me hiss in pain "bakugou?" Kirishima asked with a worried look on his face "sorry I'm fine let's go" I said walking a head he grabbed me again "no your not what's going on!" He yelled honestly this is the first time I seen kiri get so mad about something just then the bell rang for class and I hurried up to class

ノ*.✧time skip ノ*.

It was almost end of the day five more minutes I just stared out the window in that time

A few minutes later the bell rang "before you go there will be dorms from tomorrow so I suggest you pack your things and bring them tomorrow" Aizawa said

DORMS?!!? I wonder if I'll have to visit my mom on the weekends if I can just stay there I don't ever want to go back there

I started packing up to go home and I rushed out of school to avoid kirishima and his questions hopefully I can just avoid him for tomorrow...

Oop- hopefully you enjoyed this chapter UwU

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