part 9

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Baku pov

After I kissed kiri the girls in the class were screaming while the rest of the class congratulated us except for one

"That's so gross that's not the way things were made!" A little grape thing spat out

"What are you talking about look how cuteeeee they are~" mina screeched

"Yea there perfect!" A few others said

"No it's not it's not they way things were made! He's discussing for being like that!" The grape headed boy said his word stabbing me in my chest

"I can really see why he wanted to kill himself I mean if I was his mother I would hate him!" The purple head boy yelled his words hitting me hard in the face but he was not wrong

mom does hate me so does my step dad that's why my real dad left it was cause I was a disappointment to everyone that's why mom beat me that's why my stepdad touched me like that that's why they hurt me with there words and hands

He was wright I was....


"I'm sorry bakugou don't listen to hi-" kiri said before getting cut off by me

"He's not wrong I've done so many things to you guys honestly I don't know why you do-" I started to choke on my sobs that escaped my mouth "I don't un- understand why y-y-you don't hate me.......i-" I was cut off by kiri "NO DON'T SAY THAT!" He yelled starting to tear up

"This is discussing, but then again he's also treated us like shit like he's better than everyone else he's called us names, put up your hand if you disagree with my statement!" Mineta yelled a few put up there hand while some didn't

"I mean it is kinda true, maybe you should try being kinder" a multiple arms person said

I started to shake it started feeling like the air in my lungs was getting sucked out my lungs my tears forming and rushing down my face like a river

Your so weak look everyone is seeing you like this how does it feel to be weak!






Your better off DEAD

All these words flood in my head I started coughing and hiccuping to try get air into my lungs I started scratching at my arm it stings like hell

I looked ups and saw people look at me

They think your weak

I knew that was true my hand were shaking violently " I..." I tried talking but couldn't get words out I started seeing all the past images play in my head of

Kiri started to walk towards me to try calm me down out of defense I set off a huge explosion that mad my ears ring as the dust cleared I saw I burnt kiri a little he most likely didn't have time to activate his quirk fast enough

I stood up so fast slamming my fist into the table as I stood up I felt unbalanced and light headed "kiri....i-"

"Na it's cool....Ow!" He said

Tears flooded my eyes

"You see he's nothing but a villan" mineta said my eyes got blurry from the tears I scratched at my arms some more before running out the class to the dorms

"BAKUGOU WAIT!" kiri yelled

I didn't listen to anyone as I got to my room I slammed the door shut locking it "bakugou...?" Kiri asked with a soft voice "GO AWAY I NEVER LOVED YOU JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!" I yell at him and instantly regretting it

"Ok I see now how you truly feel i-im sorry bakugou..." Kiri said started to cry

You see what you did, now he definitely hates you

He wants nothing to do with you!

I heard kiris door open and close (btw yes there dorms are next to each other)

I unlocked my door "kiri..." I said softly while opening my door it's my fault he hates me he wants me dead the dangerous thought rushed to my head I ran down stairs and out of the dorms "kacchan!" I didn't listen to anyone I ran past them out of the schools I started slowing down my paist and walked into town I felt people staring at me I heard them talking about me calling me that villan from the sports festival I kept my head down low and walked into an ally way and sat down I rolled up my sleeves and saw my cuts were bleeding from me scratching them

I held my knees close to my chest and put my arms in my knees and started crying I didn't care if blood got on me I heard the people walking past the ally way talking

Hah! You really are pathetic

You should just kill yourself and get it over with

My thoughts were cut off by someone telling me

"well what do we have here"

Sorry for the cliff hanger and for not posting when I said I was

Hehe but I hope u enjoy UwU

~am I good enough♡~ (Depressed Bakugou Kiribaku)-discontinued-Where stories live. Discover now