part 2

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Bakugou pov

I woke up to screaming down stairs "KASUKI GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" my mother yelled at me from down stairs I sighed and got up and walked down stairs "yes mothe-" she just stared at me poiting to the man next to her "who is he?!" I yelled but not to loud "HE is going to be your new DAD" my mom told me "WHAT!! YOU CANT JUST REPLACE DAD!" i yelled she started walking towards me that's when I knew I fucked up she raised her hand and hit me hard on my face sending me off balance for a second "NOW GET UR ASS TO SCHOOL YOU WEAKLING" my mom yelled from across the house

。*゚+time skip。*゚+

I got to school a bit earlier than usual so I just layed my head on my arms after a few minutes I heard people walking in I couldn't be bothered who it was I lift my head up a bit to relising people were looking at me

They think your weak just look how they looking at you

They don't care about you no one does

They just pity you

All these things rushed into my head making me feel overwhelmed "yooo bakubro" kiri said walking in "good mor-" he stopped and looked at me "WHAT DO YOU WANT SHITTY HAIR!!!" I yelled at him "dude what happened to you your left side of your face is all red like someone hit yo-" I cut him off "MIND YOUR OWN GODDAMN BUSINESS SHITTY HAIR NOTHING HAPPENED TCH" I yelled "ok whatever you say bakubro say Mina and the others are going to the mall this week end wanna come?" He asked me as the rest of the squad walked in over hearing our conversation "yea dude come on it will be so cool!" Pikachu said "uhhh fine....BUT JUST THIS ONCE BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO HEAR ALL OF UR NAGGING!" I yelled "aww come on bro you know you love us~" sero teased "tch whatever!" After that class soon started

UwU imma stop there hopefully I can make another chapter just now but hopefully this is good for now

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