𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 - 𝐀𝐱𝐥 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 - 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭

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I smile at Axl as he looks back at me while leading me to our honeymoon suite. Yes, we're married. I can't believe I married the love of my life. He's just the one for me. We walk through the hallways of the suite and into the bedroom. 

The lights are dimmed, the bed is perfectly made and the room is basically huge. There's also chamagne and two glasses beside them and some ice. Axl turns around and lifts me up bridal style. He throws me onto the the bed and unbuttons his shirt.

He crawls on top of me and smiles down at me. "Well, Mrs. Rose. Are you ready to have the best night of your life?" He teases. I giggle like a teenage girl seeing her crush. "Only if you are Mr. Rose." I say back. He laughs and kisses me passionately. Not so long after, his tongue brushes on my lips to ask for entrance. I deny him, just to tease him. He deepens the kiss at this. Damn, someone's fiesty.

I eventually give in to him. His tongue explores my mouth and I moan. He rips off my shirt and unclips my bra. He pulls away from the kiss and take my boob in his mouth. I moan. He massages my other boob with his hand which make me moans even louder. "A-Axl." I say breathlessly. He looks up and me and winks then look back down. 

He suddenly stops which makes me groan. "Be patient Y/N, you'll get what you want soon enough." He kiss my stomach and trails down to my waist. He unbuttons my jeans and all I'm left in is my panties. "So wet already. Such a brat." He whispers. He slips off my already wet panties and toss them on the floor. "Spread your legs babe." I do as he says. 

He lightly licks my folds to tease me. I lift my hip up but he pins it down. I whine and he chuckles. The vibration of his chuckles make me even more impatient. "Axl, please." He gives me what I want and licks circles around my clit. I moan and grab his hair. He sucks my clit and my legs close as a reflex. He pushes them back. He licks up and down my pussy. Soon, I feel my climax coming on. 

"I- I'm gonna cum." I announce. "You don't get to cum without my permission." I look down at him and take a breath out frustratedly. He then stands up and unzips his pants until he's buttnaked. His dick springing out of is boxers. He strokes it and a bit of precum comes out. He looks at me in the eyes. "You liking the view Y/N?" I look away and blush.

He gets on top of me and kisses me once again. He bites my lip which makes me moan. His slowly massages my boobs. He pulls away from the kiss and I try to flip us over but he stops me. I look at him confused, he usually begs for a blowjob. "Not tonight baby, no, tonight is about you." He says.

He lowers his head and sucks on my neck, definetly leaving hickeys everywhere. "Oh my-" I moan. He kisses my cheek and looks into my eyes. "Are you ready?" He asks. I nod and he enters me. I immediately moan and he fastens his pace. "Mmmm, you like that?" He taunts. "Ax- oh fuck me." I whine. "As you wish, my queen.

His pace suddenly become very fast. "Yes, oh yes Axl." He rams into me. I soon feel knots in my stomach, begging to be released. "Oh my God, I'm gon- I'm gonna come babe." I say. He sucks my nipple which makes me crazier.

"Come for me." He replies. As soon as he says that, I release. I moan so loud that I think the people next to us can hear. My legs start shaking from the pleasure. Axl moans and cums inside me. He thrusts in and out of me ride it out and then flops next me, hyperventalating.

He turns his head to me. "Well, how'd you like Mrs. Rose?" I chuckle. "I loved it." I answer. He turns to his side and kisses me. I pull away and our faces are left close to each other. "Want to do round 2 Y/N?"

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