𝐈𝐬 𝐇𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐀𝐱𝐥 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞

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A/N: Heyyy. I am back !! I'm sorry that I haven't been posting, school's been so stressful for me.

"You know what, Axl. I think we can't be together anymore." I say softly, putting my hands on Axl's. I could feel myself shaking with sadness and sorrow.

Axl and I's relationship hasn't been working. We barely laugh or even talk together. At the beginning, we were unseperable. But, that didn't last long. With him being on tour and me being busy with work, we barely see each other.

"I know Y/N. I know." He says barely above a whisper, his lips trembling trying to hold his tears back. He looks up and into my eyes. How dull they are. Even when he was at his lowest, I could still see that determined twinkle in his beautiful green eyes. Now, they're empty, dull and fully drained.

"Just know I'll always love you Y/N. I have never stopped loving you. Even though it may have seemed like it, I always had an immense feeling of love for you." He holds my hand and kisses my knuckle, his way of showing love besides all the other things he does.

I can't manage to say anything and breakdown in his arms.

I jolt awake. My breath being laboured. I lift myself by my elbows, the morning sun creeping through the curtains. I had that dream again, the dream about what happened between Axl and I. It happened so long ago, 5 years ago. Yet, I still dream about it.

I get up and brush my teeth. Looking at myself in the mirror, I look so empty. All because of that stupid thing that happened 4 fucking years ago. I admit I still love him but I've gotten over it. Right?

After I get ready I walk to my son's room. I open the door and there he is, sleeping soundly in his bed all wrapped up in his blanket.

Yes, he Axl's. I found out that I was pregnant right after we seperated. He looks exactly like Axl. My little 5 year old pride and joy. When I gave birth to him, I knew he took after his father. From his features to his personality.

"Eric, baby. Wake up sweetheart." I gently rub his head. When I saw how similar he is to Axl, I made him a Rose. Eric Axl Rose. He did ask for his dad a couple of times but I just told him dad is working on something very important.

He stirrs in his sleep and slowly opens his eyes, revealing this mesmerising green colour. When he sees me, he smiles sleepily. "Good morning mommy."

"Good morning love. Did you sleep well?" I kiss his forehead. He nods and pulls himself up.

I get him ready and eat breakfast. He's such a good eater, like father like son.

If only he knew his father.

As we drive through the bustling city of Los Angeles, I see as huge crowd gathering around something. There was probably an accident.

We climb out of the car and walk into the mall. Eric immediately runs to the music store, another trait he took from Axl.

"Mommy! Can I please get this?" He holds up a pair of black drum sticks. He's always had a natural attraction to the drums. I still remember him at 3 years old listening to Welcome To The Jungle when it came on the TV and started trying to match the beat of Steven's playing while trying sing the lyrics along with Axl.

Again, if only he knew who his father was.

"How much is it sweetie?" I bend down to his level and look at the tag. He looks at me with hope.

"$5. Not bad. Alright, let me pay for it." He jumps for joy and gives me the sticks.

After paying, we go to different clothing stores. One thing Eric inherited from me; good ass fashion taste. I always had to help Axl dress because he really had no fashion sense. I'm just really glad that Eric won't go around in flip-flops with socks.

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