Ch. 14 It's Too Late

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So far life is great. A month full of nothing but bliss. I don't count the few hours I spent in the nurse's office though. That was nothing but pain thanks to the lovely Sam Haines. As payback, Ashley and I decided to be more affectionate in front of Sam.  We know it makes her feel uncomfortable. I just wish Taylor didn't look at me like he wanted to tear my head off.

It was noon and I had just finished my last class of the day. I had received a text from Sam about some new kid. She wanted me to keep an eye out for him. I have no idea why she would want me to do that. She refused to tell me the reason. I kept a eye out but I haven't seen him.

That is until I saw some dude hanging out in front of the dorm I was sharing with Holly. As I walked closer, I got a good look at him. His clothes looked brand new, as if he just bought them recently. He had a pair of glasses on. His face looked quite similar to someone I knew.

He glanced my way and suddenly froze in place. He looked scared but why? It's not like I would hit him or something. He has to be one of Holly's friends that I haven't met for him to be hanging around the door. When I was finally just a few feet from him. I knew why he looked familiar.


He looked shocked and then went back to scared. He was about to turn around and run but I grabbed him and shoved him against the door. He seemed surprised at how fast I had him against the door. It had been a long time since we saw each other face to face like this. I've gotten stronger and faster since we last met.

"How the hell did you get in here?!" I yelled, as I pulled him towards me and then slammed him against the door again.

"It's not what you think! I'm here to make amends," he said, as he tried to pry my hands away from his shirt.

"I don't believe you! The last time I saw you, you were unconscious after Ashley hit you when you tried to force yourself on her. I know why you're here so there is no reason to lie", I said, trying to hold back the urge to punch him right now.

"Okay! I came here to teach my sister a lesson in loyalty but I couldn't do it. So I came up with this disguise in order to get close to her and try to apologize for everything I did wrong. Ben didn't know I quit on him until this morning when I called him," he explained, as he gave up trying to get away from me.

I sighed. That explains why Sam wanted me to keep an eye on him. She probably recognized him but couldn't figure out who he was because she hadn't seen him in person for three years. Victor didn't exactly look the same he did back then. Prison managed to change his appearance.

"How do I know you're not lying? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn you into the police," I said, releasing him from my grip. He better not think of running away.

"Don't you think I would have thought of a better idea than a disguise in order to get Holly? Wait, when you said you knew why I was here, were you bluffing?" he said, fixing her shirt.

I was debating whether or not to tell him that I had been following Ben until the meeting between the two of them. He could be playing me just so he could get off scott free and grab Holly when she gets back from class.

"I'm still taking you to the police," I said, as I grabbed his arm and started dragging him towards the security room. They always had a police officer stationed here just in case Victor managed to get into the school.

"Wait! What if I told you that Ben is back in town and is looking for me?! He wants me dead for sure after the phone call this morning," he yelled, as he tried to get his arm free.

I suddenly stopped. This is not good. If Ben is here than the girls are not safe. I let go of Victor and tried to think of what to do. I wasn't completely sure if the police could be trusted now. Ben could still have eyes inside the police station. I hate to think this but I think Victor has been telling the truth. He had plenty of chances to run, like right now.

"Okay let's say you are telling the truth, If Ben is looking for you there is only one thing he could do in order to get to you," I said, hoping I was completely wrong.

"Holly!" he yelled, before he ran for our dorm and started banging on the door. There was no answer.

I looked at my cell phone to check what time it was. It was going to be twelve thirty. Holly should have been turning the corner on our hallway. I looked to my right and saw no one in the hallway. This is not good at all.

I ran to our dorm and shoved Victor out of the way. I opened the door and found the dorm empty. Holly's stuff wasn't even here. I ran out of the room and headed for her last class she would have. I was hoping that she was just staying after class to finish a worksheet or something.

Victor was following close behind me. When we finally made it to her class, the light was off and the door was locked. Victor was starting to really freak out and mumbled "this is all my fault" over and over again. I pulled out my cell phone and called her. It rang three times because someone answered.

"Tell Victor he has six hours to come find us or his dear twin sister is dead." The dial tone came on right after Ben hung up.

I stood there, not knowing what to do. Victor noticed me not saying or doing anything. He kept asking me what was wrong with me. I finally said something after a few minutes of silence.

"We have six hours."


I woke up in a daze. A huge headache happened to come when I lift my head. When my eyes finally adjusted to the poorly lit room, I knew I was in trouble. It was definitely a motel room. I was tied to a chair in a corner. There was a queen size bed with a night stand across from a small television.

I was kidnapped. That is the last time I trust a officer of the law! This is definitely not the police station he said he was taking me to in order for me to confirm my brother's belongings. I was so stupid to fall for that! That damn college is turning me into a softy! I use to be able to pick out the liars. I was cursing myself when the front door opened.

"Well looks like my guest is finally awake. How have you been Holly?" a man said, as he walked into the room. He looked familiar. Why does he? Oh, now I remember. I have such good memory.

"I've been better. What do you want with me Ben?" I said, as I glared at the old man standing in front of me.

"Actually I want your annoying brother, preferably dead. You're just part of the package," he said, before he laughed.

I should have kept up with my martial arts. Ben would be on the floor in five minutes, if I could just get free form the ropes. Since when did Victor disobey a client? That didn't sound like him at all. Unless he had a sudden change of heart. That would be my wish come true if weren't going to end up dead because of him.

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