Ch. 11 Lies & Misunderstandings

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"I'm your brother!"

What the hell was Taylor talking about? There was no way we could be related. My parents would have told me that I had a sibling. They know how much I hated being an only child while everyone else I knew had brothers and sisters, well except Dylan but that makes sense now that everyone knows Ben wasn't his dad.

I was staring at Taylor like he was crazy until I turned to my parents who were still standing outside our dorm. They looked shocked and scared as they stared at Taylor. I guess what Taylor said is true. My parents have lied to me my whole life. I don't know if I should be pissed about them keeping this important piece of information from me or happy about finally having what I always wanted when I was a kid.

"Ashley, I'm sorry but it just came out. I wanted to tell you the truth for a long time now but I was afraid of what you would do if I told you," Taylor said, pacing back and forth.

"It's okay Taylor. If anyone should have told me, it was my parents or should I say our parents," I said, moving out of the way so the two liars could walk into our dorm.

"Well technically only one of them is related to me. I'm actually your half-brother," he said, stopping his pacing and sat on his bed.

I really looked at him this time and realized we sort of looked related. The only difference was his eyes were blue while mine were green. If he was my half-brother then which one of my parents was related to him. Did that mean one of them cheated on the other? I didn't know how long they actually dated in college. I need some answers.

"Sweetie, we would have told you if his mother actually let us spend time with him. She is quite the stubborn woman," my mother said, she walked toward me with sad eyes.

"Don't you mean bitch? She's a bitch and I hate her," Taylor said angrily, looking straight ahead. Well I've never heard him so angry before.

"You're only saying that because she didn't tell you who I was until we accidentally ran into each other ten years ago," my father said, as he sat next to Taylor. So I guess that answers my question about which liar was related to him.

I knew exactly what my father was talking about. I now understand what was going on. I was too young to understand the encounter between my parent's and a woman back then. They told me to drop the subject and never ask about it again.  I do remember a young boy a bit taller than me. We were told to hang out at the food court until our parents were done talking.

Taylor shouldn't be pissed at his my mom for keeping such a huge secret from him since she told him everything while my parents went on with life after that day. I think I deserved to know that I had a brother somewhere. I should be the one pissed at my parents.

"So you knew about him and kept me in the dark? Didn't you ever think that I needed to know whether or not his mother allowed you to see him?," I said, surprisingly calmly. I want to yell at my parents.

"We're so sorry sweetie. I guess it's time you know why you have a half-brother," she said, as she hugged me. I didn't want a story time. Taylor can fill in the blanks for me.

"Get out," I muttered, as I pushed away from my mother.

"What?" I can't believe I'm about to do this but I don't want to be in the same room as them right now.

"I said get out! Both of you go on your stupid trip and leave me alone!" I yelled, as I tried to control my tears.

"Ashley! Don't speak to us that way!" my father yelled, getting up from Taylor's bed.

"I can do whatever I want and I want you gone!" I yelled, letting the tears fall.

"Honey, we should do what she wants. She needs time to digest what she just found out before we tell her the whole story," my mom said, pulling my father towards the door. My mom always knew when I needed to be alone.

"Thanks mom," I whispered, while wiping my tears off my face. I may be mad at her but at least she knew what to do.

Taylor had gotten up and hugged me. I had forgotten that he was shirtless so I was crying on his bare chest. I saw my mom give me a small smile before shutting the door and left for the trip they were so excited about.

"They didn't want you disappointed so they kept my existence a secret. Look at the bright side, you now know that you have one good looking older brother," he said, probably with a smirk after he said the last part.

I couldn't help but laugh at how conceited he was just being. I pulled away from him and smiled at him. He leaned forward to place a kiss on my forehead and he did it at the worst time. Dylan had barged into our dorm just as Taylor placed the kiss on my forehead. He didn't look too happy.

"I see you've moved on. I'll just leave you two alone." What the hell is up with timing with everyone?

Dylan didn't linger at the door. He walked away. Did that mean he was leaving again? He said he was staying. He can't leave again. He just got here. I looked from the doorway to Taylor, not knowing what to do.

He sighed. "Go after him idiot." Well he didn't need to tell me twice. I was out of there and went after Dylan.


i finally decide to take matters into my own hands only to find Ashley with stupid Taylor. Why am I stupid? I go after the girl and she ends up with someone else? That is not what is suppose to happen. I'm so pissed at myself right now. I should just pack up and forget this place ever existed.

"Dylan!" Look at that I'm going crazy because I hear Ashley's voice.

I kept going down the hall. Holly should be gone by the time I get back to the dorm so I wouldn't have to explain anything to her.

"Dylan! Will you just stop moving for one minute?!" I think I need to see a doctor about that voice.

I was about to turn the corner until someone jumped on my back causing me to lose my balance and fall forward. I hit the ground with the person still on me.

"Finally! I thought you would never stop. Will you listen to what I have to say now?" My god this person sounds like her. I am really going crazy.

The mystery girl that sounded like Ashley rolled off of me. It was then that I realized it was really Ashley. I'm not crazy after all. Wait, why the hell did she chase after me?

"I forgive you."


We got up from the floor and straightened up our clothes. Did she just say that she forgave me? I don't understand. I thought she still hated me and was with Taylor.

"I said that I forgive you so are you going to kiss me or not?"

I was surprised but shook it off. Looks like I won't be leaving. I kissed her and I knew this kiss was different. It was better than the last one, probably because now everything was in the past. We just have two people to worry about now. Ben and Victor.

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