Ch. 3 Like 007

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Woo! Another chapter for you!!! It's all in Dylan's point of view.



I found him. It wasn't hard either. I was lucky to find him in a cafe. I was just on my way to the closest hotel I could find when I noticed a familiar face seating near a window. It was a good thing I had on a baseball cap and glasses. It would have been a huge problem if he knew I've been following his every move.

"I'm going to end you" I muttered as I pretended to dig in my backpack. I wanted to see if he was meeting anyone. I noticed that he always meets up with a guy or two in every town he stops at.

I heard the door to the cafe open but I didn't look up in time to see who it was that walked inside. I was hoping it was the person that Ben decided to meet up with. I glanced at the window and noticed someone was seating across from Ben. I dug in my backpack for a journal that had all the information on every person he's met since his disappearing act. I found out that none of them were exactly nice people. They were criminals.

I flipped through the journal to find a page that hadn't been written on yet. When I found it, I pulled out a pen out of my pocket. I would have to go inside to catch the guys name. I breathed in and then out before opening the door to the cafe. I needed to find a table that wasn't too close but wasn't too far either. I found a table that was located two tables behind Ben. It would have to do.

"So why couldn't I get out sooner?" a familiar voice asked Ben as I walked by their table. I didn't look at them as I walked by. Why did that guy sound so familiar?

"Well when you have my face, it's hard to call for favors. You should be glad I paid for you to be here. I'm sure you would rather be somewhere else right now but we needed to talk in person first," Ben explained to the mystery guy. I'm surprised he still had connections.

"Whatever you say boss. Can we get on with it then? I have a plane to catch in a hour," the mystery guy said as he took a sip of his drink. I wonder where this guy planned to go.

"I'll make this quick then. As you know, my ex-wife and her stupid doctor friend are in New York with Dylan. I want you to take them out. I plan on going back home soon after I take care of a few more things. I don't like knowing that the slut is living a happy life. She doesn't deserve it," he said in a angry tone. This douche is going to try to kill my parents?!

"I can do that after I make a little pit stop first. I don't understand why you can't do it yourself though," the mystery guy said. He was probably grinning.

"Well the man hunt may be on a break but that doesn't mean that I can go around doing whatever I want. I have to lay low a little while longer," Ben said before grabbing a suitcase on the floor. He's planning something big.

"Okay I will give you a call when the job in New York is successful," the guy said as Ben opened the suitcase. I need a clear view of this guy and I also need his name.

"That is all the information you will need to find them in New York. I had an old friend find out where they were staying for me. You shouldn't have a problem finding them," Ben explained after he handed the guy a packet. I'm going to need to call my mom after I'm done here.

"Thanks boss. I won't disappoint you this time around," the guy said before he got up from his chair. There's the full view I needed. Not only does he sound familiar but he also looks familiar.

"When you go visit your sister, tell them that I will be seeing them very soon," Ben said to the guy who was grinning like an idiot. Sister? Okay do I know anyone with a brother? Just Holly but Victor is suppose to be in prison. Unless this guy here is Victor. That's can't be possible!

"I'm sure they'll love to hear that boss. I'll talk to later."

"Keep me posted Victor. I would love to hear about your sister's reaction when she sees you," Ben said before Victor walked away and out the door. No wonder he was familiar to me.

It's Holly's freaking Twin! How the hell could I not recognize the idiot?!

I walked out of the cafe and pulled out my cell phone. I kept a eye on Ben as I dialed my mom's number. She needed to leave town before Victor got to New York.

"Hello?" Great. HE answered the phone. He's been wanting me to call him dad for a long time.

"I need you and mom to pack and get out of New York!" I hope mom is home.

"Dylan? What are you talking about?" Damn, I need to explain.

"Ben is sending Victor to kill you guys! You need to leave before he finds you!"

"What?! Are you sure?" I could hear shuffling on his end. I hope he's packing.

"Yes! I just heard the conversation!" Ben was still in the cafe enjoying a piece of cake.

"Okay son I'll call your mom and ask her to leave work early. I'm packing as we speak."

"Great! I have to go. I need to make another call." I have to tell Greg about Victor's visit.

"Okay. We love you. Be careful." Man he's sounds like mom.

"I promise. I love you guys too dad." I think it was time to call him "dad".

"Look at that. You called me dad. Took you three years but you finally did it." I can tell he was smiling.

"Yeah, just don't tell mom. She'd be way too happy about it."

"Will do. Bye son."

As soon as I said goodbye to him, I hung up and then dialed Greg's number. He is going to explode when he finds out about Victor being out of prison. I never thought he would get out of prison seeing how he was suppose to be there until he died.

"What's up? Luckily Sam just left to go get a snack at the cafeteria." I called at a good time.

"I have some good and bad news." I glanced at the window and noticed Ben was getting up.

"Oh really? Well let me hear it then." I need to get away from the cafe first.

I walked down the sidewalk when I saw Ben walking towards the door. I couldn't blow my cover now or I wouldn't be able to warn Greg about Victor.

"Well I found Ben in Virginia but what really surprised me was the person he was meeting with. You would never believe who it is."

Ben walked out of the cafe and headed the opposite direction. I'll have to follow Ben another time. I think it's time to head back to where it all started.

"Who was it? The suspense is killing me!" Oh right I forgot who I was talking to.

"Victor is out of prison thanks to Ben. You need to tell the girls."

"What?! He got life in prison! How the hell did Ben get him out?!" I'm wondering about that myself.

"I don't know but he's out and his next stop is the school. Holly needs to be warned."

"Okay I'll let the girls know. I will even tell Dean Adams about his return. Maybe he can get police on the look out or something."

"Sounds good. I think I'm coming back. I can deal with Ben another day."

"Oh um okay. If that's what you want to do. The girls won't be too happy to see you."

"Yeah they'll probably hate me for being alive all this time."

"Well I have to go. Call me when you get here."

"I will. I'll be seeing you soon."

I hung up and headed back to the airport to get the next flight back to New York. I will head to the school when I'm done in New York. I have to make sure that my parents are going to be fine first. I also need to pack more clothes and stuff if I plan on going back to school. I'm actually excited despite the fact that I will probably be beaten up by Sam. It will be worth it if I get to see Ashley again. I've missed her.

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