Another Attack

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"Frank, I'm really sorry for yesterday," Bert said as he joined Frank for breakfast.

"Don't worry about it dude," Frank said, offering Bert a smile, "we were high as fuck, and I gotta admit, it was the most fun I had since I came here. We all do shit we don't mean when we're high."

"Yeah... right," Bert said looking down at his pancake, "shit we don't mean."

"Gotta say, I overreacted," Frank said, "I'm- I'm sorry."

"It's cool, don't worry about it," Bert said, sounding kinda sad. "Anyway, let's talk about something else. Who's group are you going with today."

"Gerard's," Frank replied before taking a bite of his pancake.

"Of course," Bert muttered under his breath, thinking Frank won't hear.

"Fun fact," Frank said with a smile on his face, wanting to light up the mood a little, "sleep is just a time machine to breakfast."

Bert stopped chewing as he looked up at Frank. For a moment, Frank's face fell as Bert's look made him think he said something wrong. Then Bert burst out laughing, making Frank's smile come back.

"Sorry, needed some time to process," Bert said laughing, "Good one though."

Frank's smile got bigger as he felt proud of himself. I mean, yeah, it wasn't really his joke. He saw it on Instagram or somewhere, but that's not the thing. It's been a long time he hasn't made someone laugh. Well... since the incident. But now, with Bert laughing at his joke, it felt like he was back in the good ol' days, which made a huge smile appear on his face.

Frank used to be the class clown. Everyone laughed at his jokes. He was considered the comedian of their group, but of course, the incident happened. Frank wasn't the same after that. He lived in paranoia and grief, with no room for making jokes anymore. Well, until now of course. After yesterday's weed, it's like Frank's life was changing back to normal. Well as normal as you can get while being dead and away from everyone you knew.

As they both finished eating, they started heading to where everyone meets before separating into groups.

"Be careful out there, ok?" Bert said as he put a hand on Frank's shoulder. Frank smiled at him.

"I'll try," he said, "same goes to you."

Hesitantly, he let go of Frank's shoulder and joined Bob as they walked out.

"Frank! Move your ass," Gerard yelled from the door. Frank packed his last arrow, threw his bow on his shoulder, and ran to catch up with the rest of his group.

They hadn't made it too far when Gerard stopped in his tracks and held up a fist, telling them to keep quiet. Everyone reached for their guns and Frank for his arrows. Before Frank could react, Gerard shot three shots, making three people fall from the roof of the building right next to them. After that, the shooting started. Frank though, just stood there not knowing where to shoot.

He couldn't see the enemy. He only could hear gunshots and bodies falling. And then there was Gerard yelling at him, "Frank! Fucking shoot!" And that's when he saw it. One of the black eye creatures behind Gerard, aiming his gun straight on his head.

Gerard was too busy shooting the ones in front of him, so he clearly didn't see him. That's when Frank snapped into reality and let go of his arrow. It cut a piece of Gerard's hair as it hit his target.

"Not at me!" Gerard snapped, clearly not have noticed the body behind him.

"You're welcome!" Frank snapped back. That's when Gerard looked back and saw the body with an arrow through his head. He looked back at Frank with a shocked expression for a second then went back to shooting.

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