Let's Kiss

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A week has passed and Frank is starting to get more and more tired of his dreams. If you can even call it that. He just wants to have a good night's sleep without the feeling of drowning. Is that too much to ask?

Another thing Frank doesn't like is Bert asking him constantly if he's hiding something from him. Frank really wants to tell Bert about his family, but he doesn't want to lose him. He seems to hate the Ieros too much. What if he starts hating Frank for it? Frank doesn't want that. He's the only friend he has. He can't lose Bert.

"Frank, I said don't get behind!" Gerard snapped Frank out of his thoughts. Frank did a small run and caught up with the rest. You know, it's not his fault his legs are short.

"Why do we always have to take the long way," Frank whined, "my legs are tired."

"Aw, poor you," Gerard said, "you know well why we take the long road."

Frank just groaned but continued following them. After what felt like forever, they got to their destination. They were in the middle of packing the stuff they needed when suddenly a howl of a wolf, or dog, was heard.

"Shit," Gerard's face filled with panic, "shit, shit, shit, shit."

"What's happening?" Frank asked as he started panicking too. He had never seen Gerard that panicked. This must be serious.

"Frank, listen to me carefully," Gerard said as he turned to Frank, "go find somewhere to hide. We'll handle this."

"Wait, no!" Frank frowned, "I wanna help."

"Not this time, Frank," Gerard said as he cocked his gun along with Dallon and Hayley, "and remember, whatever she says, don't look her in the eyes. WHATEVER, Frank. Got it?"

"Yeah, yes, I got it," Frank said, starting to panic even more.

"Ok, now let's go," he said as he looked at Dallon and Hayley.

As he saw the three disappear, he looked around for a place he could hide. His eyes fell on the cash counter. He ran to it and jumped over it and sat on the floor.

It was a dead silence. He doesn't know what's happening outside, which made him panic even more. How is he supposed to know if they need help? What if they're being killed right now? I mean, glancing at it won't do anything, no?

Frank took a deep breath and slowly rose to have a peek of the scene outside from the big store windows. He wanted to cry because of the sight in front of him. Dallon was dead on the floor while Gerard and Hayley were on their knees, eyes closed and hands behind the back of their head.

There was a girl, maybe in her twenties, pointing a gun at Hayley's head. She had black hair and a casual punk cloths. If it wasn't for the gun pointing at his friends, Frank wouldn't have thought its 'The Queen' everyone's talking about. He then saw the big dog along with the people pointing guns at the two. It looked harmless. Intimidating with its size, but harmless. You know, one of those dogs that make your day. Why is it with these people? No one knows.

Frank flinched when a gunshot was heard, Hayley's body falling on the floor the next second. He sat back on the floor when he saw the Queen gesturing to the people around them to go inside.

Frank heard the front door open and close as footsteps sounded around the shop.

"Oh, Frankie," he heard someone sing. He knew that voice. It was the same guy he saw the first day, "we know you're here. Common, make this easy for us and for you and come out."

Frank closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down. He opened his eyes and soon regretted when a pair of other eyes, black eyes, were staring down at him.

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