Getting Raid

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A/N: I'm posting this from work rn now so I have like 2 min of break left. If there are any errrors sorry. Imma edit it again later.


Frank was drowning again. However, instead of just letting it happen, this time, he made an effort to open his eyes just like he did the first time. However, the only thing he could see where blurry blue and white lights. He's in the real world now. He can get out of here right now and leave that hellhole forever. But he can't let the others there. His father did this to them, he's gonna fix it. He needs Gerard's plan to do that though. He has to go back and come back here with the plan and get everyone the fuck out of there.

With that thought, Frank closed his eyes again and woke up in Gerard's room. As soon as he opened his eyes, the first thing he was met with was pain all over his body.

"Frank, you're awake!" Gerard said as he sat on the bed next to Frank. He put a pice of his hair behind his ear as he said, "don't move. It'll hurt more if you move. Give your body some rest."

"God, it hurts so much..." Frank groaned, "I wanna kill that fucker so bad right now."

"I know, Frankie," he said, "you have some broken ribs and your ankle... well I don't think you'd be able to walk for a while."

Frank laughed, wincing at the end as he said, "I pretty much noticed that."

"I have good news though!" Gerard exclaimed, "I finished writing the plan and everyone finished reading it. We just need you to read it and we'll be ready to pass to actions. After you get better, of course."

"Then bring it to me," Frank said as he tried to sit up, only to wince and lay back down.

"No, Frank, rest a bit for today," Gerard said.

"No! I'm ok. My fingers are fine, I still can learn braille and read the plan," Frank said, "I won't have a broken ankle and ribs if I get out of here. The faster, the better. So please, bring me the papers?"

Gerard hesitated before he stood up and brought Frank the paper that had the alphabet on it with the braille version next to it. With a lot of effort, Frank was finally able to take the paper and start learning, while Gerard just laid next to him and stared at the ceiling, getting lost in his thoughts.

Eventually, Frank got boarded of the silence, thought it was enough studying, and asked, "What y'a thinking?"

"I don't know," Gerard sighed, "just about some stuff in general."

"That is...?"

"I kicked Bob out along with his gang," Gerard said, "I'm scared he'll come back with the Queen."

"I won't be surprised if he does," Frank said, his mood falling at the mention of Bob's name, "We'll get out of here before he comes back."

Gerard nodded calmly, but it didn't seem like he believed that entirely. They stayed in silence for a few seconds before he said, "Ray did a good job at patching up your ankle."

Frank looked down at his ankle only to see it in a cast. A smile appeared on his face, "not everyone here hates me after all I guess."

"Of course they don't," Gerard said, returning Frank the smile.

Both of their heads snapped to the door when there was a knock. Gerard yelled a "come in" as the door opened and Bert came in. His eyes widened in shock as they landed on Frank.

"God, you look horrible!" He said, "does it feel as horrible as it looks?"

"Trust me, it does," Frank groaned.

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