Bad Trip

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A/N: votes and comments always make me happy, so please?

Tw: drug use (well without knowing)


"Open the door, you pussy!" Frank heard someone yell from the other side of the door as a banging on the door was heard. Frank whimpered and held his knees closer to his chest. "Come out and face us!"

Frank's heart stopped when he heard Bob say, "get out of my way. I have a key."

"No! Bob, you're not opening that door!" Came Gerard's voice, "everyone, get out of here. Now!"

"No, Gerard," came Bob's voice again, "we deserve the truth. You've been hiding an Iero in our group knowing well they're the cause we're all dead now."

"He has nothing to do with what his father did. So, just leave him alone," Gerard said, "now get out of here."

There were a few other yellings before silence followed. Frank blinked, a few tears making their way down his face. A light knock was heard, which was followed by Gerard's voice, "it's me. Open the door."

Frank hesitantly got up and opened the door. As soon as Gerard was inside, he closed the door and went back on his bed and hugged his knees again.

"I fucked up," he said, his voice muffled in his knees.

"Yeah, you did," Gerard said, making Frank look up at him with the saddest look on his face. "But don't worry about it. They'll eventually calm down and everything will go back to normal."

"Yeah right," Frank scuffed, "just- leave me alone, please. I need some time alone to think."

Gerard sighed and got on his feet. He hesitated but eventually walking out, leaving Frank alone in his own thoughts.

Not long after Gerard had left, he heard another knock on the door and then came Bert's voice, "Frank, it's me. Can I come in?"

"Yeah," Frank simply said. The next second, he heard the door click and Bert came in, sitting on the edge of Frank's bed. Frank turned to look at him as he said, "I'm sorry. You know, for thinking you're the mole."

"It's alright," Bert laughed, "you had your reasons."

"So you're not mad? You know, like everyone else?" Frank asked.

"I'm madder because you didn't tell me then because you're an Iero," Bert said.

"I was just scared you'll leave if you found out about it since you know, you seemed to hate my family too much," Frank explained, "but I swear, I had nothing to do with any of the things they've done. I didn't even know my dad was in the mafia until you told me."

"I believe you, Frankie," Bert said, putting a hand on his shoulder, "you really don't look someone who'd hurt a fly."

"So why um- I mean you were mad at me, what made you come here to comfort me?" Frank asked.

"I thought you'd need someone," Bert said simply.

Frank smiled, "I'm really lucky to have a friend like you. I don't know what I would've done without you."

"You better keep that smile. It suits you," Bert said, Frank's smile getting bigger.

Bert reached and put Frank's hair behind his ear as he stared him in the eyes. After a few seconds, Frank broke the stare and coughed as an excuse for the hand to get away from his cheek. I mean, don't get me wrong, Frank likes Bert, but this is just awkward.

"Alright, I'm gonna go," Bert said as he stood up, realizing the awkwardness he had caused, "get some rest, Frankie."

As soon as Bert was out, Frank laid on his bed and tried to drift off. He really was tired, his headache starting to get back as the painkillers wore off. After thirty minutes or so, his headache was unbearable.

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