Chapter 8

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Mike's POV

It had only been a week since Ed had left when I decided I had had enough. Addie had been a mess. When I told her she needed to get out of bed the morning after Ed left so that we could travel to our next venue, she refused to leave. I had left her there, thinking that with a few days alone she'd return to her chipper self. Sadly, when I returned 4 days later, she still wouldn't leave. 

"Addie, love, please. I have to travel further for the next show, and I can't come back to London. I won't have time. We fly to America in a week, you can see Ed then." I tried to talk her out of bed.

"I should've gone with him." She muttered into his pillow. 

"Agreed, you should've. But you didn't, which I still don't understand. Because clearly you didn't stay for me. If you did, you would not be laying here refusing to move. You would've come with me to my last few shows." I mentioned.

"Mike." she sighed as she finally turned to face me for the first time in a week. 

"Addison." I mocked.

"Come here." She motioned for me to join her in bed.

"No, you come here. I want you to get out of bed. You haven't moved unless it's to go to the bathroom. I haven't even seen you eat." I crossed my arms.

"I ate while you were gone." She assured me.

"Great, then you can get up, get dressed, and go get something to eat with me right now." It was a simple request.

"I'm not hungry." 

"Just get up Addison. I don't care if you're not hungry. I don't care how much you wish you had gone with Ed, because guess what? You didn't. So get up, stop being so damn depressing, and please just tell me how you feel about me because honestly, if you stayed for me, you're doing a really shitty job at showing it." I snapped.

"I..." She trailed, untangling herself from the blankets a few seconds later.

As she stood infront of me a few seconds later, the look in her eyes was something new. It was something I had never seen in anyone before. Before I knew what was happening, her hands were on the back of my neck, cold and gentle, pulling my face closer to hers.

As her lips finally touched mine, my hands found a place on her hips, underneath her shirt just above her shorts. Without really thinking about it, my thumbs began to draw circles in her hip bones under the top hem of her shorts. 

"I'm so sorry Mike." She whispered against my lips.

"Shut up and kiss me." I pulled her closer.

We stood like that for a few minutes before pulling apart, but not of our own choice.

"Hey, did you... Oh, uhm, sorry. I guess that's a yes." Stu cleared his throat as he turned to leave the room again.

Addie let out a giggle, clearly amused by Stu's awkward state. I was amused as well seeing as Stu never really got that way.

"Let's go get something to eat." I took her hand and pulled her towards the door.

"Let me get changed first, then we can go." She pulled her hand out of my grip.

"What's wrong with what you're wearing?" I questioned.

"I've been wearing it for two days and I haven't showered." She responded simply.

"Go shower. I'll wait in the living room." I pushed her towards the bathroom.

As I left the room, I headed for the living room, finding Stu sat on the sofa with his laptop open infront of him.

"Sorry you had to walk in on that." I chuckled as I sat down next to him.

"I figured you guys would make up but I didn't think you'd be making out the second you did." He shook his head. 

"She kissed me." I mentioned.

"It takes two Mike." Stu gave him a side glance before continuing to do whatever it was he was doing on his laptop.

"Do you think it's a bad idea? You know, Addie and I? I mean obviously things between her and Ed aren't settled over. When they see each other again, it's probably going to be like I don't exist." I ran a hand through my hair.

"I honestly don't know Mike. It could go either way. She could stick to being with you, or she could go back to him. I can't say for sure, and only time will tell." Stu shut his laptop and stood from the sofa.

"Where are you going?" I questioned.

"Out." Stu responded as he grabbed his jacket and headed for the door.

"Tell Maddie I said hello." I smirked.

"How do we even manage. Maddie and Addie. It's like it was meant to be or something." Stu laughed before heading out the door. 

Maddie and Stu had been friends for some time now, but Maddie spent most of her time traveling the world as a professional photographer. They had met in Sydney at first, not knowing that they had been talking online for years. Anonomus messaging everyone, a beautiful thing when used the right way.

When they really got to know each other, they got along perfectly. Now it was just a question of when they would see either other. What with Maddie traveling for her photography and Stu traveling for music. But somehow they both ended up in London for a few days, so they were taking advantage of it. 

"Where'd Stu go?" Addie questioned as she entered the living room.

"Out to meet a friend. You ready to go?" I asked as I stood and looked her up and down.

"Yeah, just let me grab my shoes." She walked towards the door.

It wasn't long before we were sat at Nandos enjoying some delicious chicken and talking about Stu and Maddie.

"So are they like, dating?" Addie asked.

"He won't tell me. I'm under the impression that they are, but he won't confirm it. They're both pretty secretive." I answered.

"Is she nice?" Addie was going to get all the information she could now.

"Haven't met her." I shrugged.

"What?!?" Addie exclaimed, "They've known each other for years and are practically married and you you've never met her???"

"They are not 'practically married' Addie." I chuckled.

"Mike, how do you even know she exists?" Addie asked dramatically.

I laughed before pulling out my phone and showing her a set of pictures that Jarrad had taken of Stu and Maddie a few months ago back in Australia.

"Ohhh, she's so pretty. Good job Stu." Addie said cheerfully.

I shook my head at her with a smirk before putting my phone back in my pocket. 

"You ready to go?" I asked as I cleaned my things up.

"In a hurry?" She asked.

"I want to go somewhere before sundown." I answered.

"Where?" she was confused.

"You'll see." I said simply with a smile.

Wrong Direction (Mike Rosenberg/Passenger) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now