Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Mike’s POV

Gary was in for it.

“So, we are going shopping today, would you like to join us Gary?” I asked, figuring he would say no.

“I’d love to.” He said smirking at me.

“Great.” I said sarcastically.

When we were finished eating, we cleaned up and headed out to my car and into town. After countless hours of shopping, giving Addie 3 piggy back rides, and Gary taking pictures of the two of us together to send Ed and anybody else he thought would care, we were back in my car and on our way to Ed’s flat once again.

“Thank you again Mike, for everything.” Addie said from the passenger’s seat.

“It’s no problem Addie.” I said smiling.

When we got back to Ed’s, Gary left straight away because he had plans for the night. Addie and I decided to just hang out at Ed’s and have a movie night or something. When we got inside, Addie decided to take a shower and change so she went off to do that while I ordered take away for dinner and set the living room up for a movie night.

The sofa was complete with duvets and pillows and the Chinese food that I had order had arrived by the time Addie returned from the shower. I had changed into a pair of sweats and a tee shirt, and Addie had a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt on. We settled on the couch and I switched on the TV pressing play so that the disk I placed in the DVD player would play.

“What’d you decide on?” Addie asked.

“Game of Throwns.” I answered.

“That’s a TV series, not a movie.” She said laughing.

“Oh well.” I answered laughing as well.

We sat and ate our food, silently watching the show. Every time a gory scene would come on, Addie would scrunch up her nose in disgust, which I found kind of cute. After a while of her doing that I decided to say something.

“Why do you do that?” I asked.

“Do what?” She asked.

“Scrunch your nose like that.” I said.

“It’s gross.” She said pointing to the TV.

“If Ed knew you were in his flat dissing Game of Throwns, he would probably kick you out.” I said.

“I’m not dissing it, I’m just saying that it is kind of gross. It’s too gory for me.” She said.

“We can watch something else if you want.” I said.

“No, it’s alright. I’ve wanted to watch this for a while now. I just haven’t gotten the chance.” She answered.

“You’ve wanted to watch it yet you find it too gory?” I asked.

“Yeah.” She replied.

“You are quite weird aren’t you?” I asked.

“Yeah, a little bit.” She answered letting out a chuckle.

“So Addie, about what Gary said earlier…” I started.

“I figured you were just going to avoid that.” She said softly.

“Well I want to talk about it because I wanted to know what you would say if I said it was true.” I said.

“Are you saying it is?” She asked.

She hadn’t looked at me, but instead was playing with her fingers. I could tell she was nervous and that she wasn’t going to look at me as I talked. I lifted my hand up and placed it on her check, turning her face so that she was looking at me.

“Yes.” I stated simply.

“Why? You hardly know me.” She said as she pulled my hand away from her face and looked down at her lap before playing with her fingers again.

“There’s just something about you.” I said.

“Are you sure it’s not just that you feel bad for me?” She asked.

I looked at her in shock. She actually thought I didn’t like her just because of what she had been through? Well, she was wrong. I did like her, and I liked her a lot. She was beautiful in her own little way. And I liked the way she scrunched her nose up when she was grossed out. She was a sweetheart and she should know that. Someone has to tell her that.

“Someone just did.” She said with a giggle.

“What?” I asked confused.

“You just said everything you were thinking out loud.” She said as she looked at me with a smirk.

“Well then that should make this less awkward.” I said as I leaned forward and placed my lips on hers.

She stayed still for a few seconds before kissing me back. Her hands moved so that one was at the back of my neck and the other was in my hair. My hands were soon resting on her hips as I deepened the kiss. Before it went any further, there was the sound of someone clearing their throat from the other side of the room.

Addie and I pulled away to find Gary standing there with a shocked expression on his face.

“Sorry to interrupt, I just came to get my guitar that I left.” He said as he walked over to the guitar stands that lined Ed’s wall.

He picked up one I recognized as his before turning around and heading back towards the door.

“Told you!” He yelled before quickly leaving out the front door.

Addie let out a light chuckle before lifting herself off the sofa.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I asked as I put my hands on her hips and pulled her back and onto my lap.

“I was going to clean up this mess.” She said referring to the Chinese containers all over the coffee table.

“That can wait.” I said as I kissed her again.

Once again we were interrupted however, this time it was my phone that went off, signaling that I had a phone call.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Stop making out with girls on my sofa.” A voice said in all seriousness.

“Gary called you I presume.” I said letting out a small laugh.

“Yeah, and he also told me you have a pretty girl and that he just walked in on you two making out, on my sofa.” He said.

“Don’t you have a tour to be on or something?” I asked sarcastically.

“Haha very funny. Look, make out on my sofa, fine, but if anything more than that happens, you’ll be buying me a new sofa. And that doesn’t mean use my bed. There will be none of those shenanigans going on in my flat mate.” He said.

“Sure thing Ed. Gotta go now, you know stuff to do on your sofa and all.” I said with a laugh before hanging up.

“Did Gary really call Ed and tell him he walked in on the two of us?” Addie asked.

“It seems so.” I answered.

“Do you think we will have anymore interruptions?” she asked.

I stood up off the sofa and walked to the front door, locking it before returning to the living room. I cleaned up the take away containers and once I was done, I returned to the sofa and sat down next to Addie.

“We can only hope we won’t. Ed does have one rule apparently, because I don’t feel like buying him a new sofa.” I stated.

“I heard. No sofa and no bed. However, how exactly would he know?” She asked.

“Addie Rhea, I like the way you think.” I said with a smirk.

“Know what I like?” She asked.

“What?” I questioned.

“You.” She said as she leaned in and placed her lips on mine.

My hands went to her waist and I pulled her onto my lap as I deepened the kiss. Her hands were resting on my chest and they slowly moved up to my shoulders. She liked me. And I liked her. And at this very moment, everything felt perfect.

Wrong Direction (Mike Rosenberg/Passenger) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now