Chapter 9

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Addie's POV

"Just keep your eyes closed, just for a few more seconds." Mike said as he led me to where ever it was that he was taking me.

"Will you just tell me where we are?" I giggled as I continued to walk, making sure to keep my eyes closed.

He didn't say anything for another minute, and then he finally stopped walking. I stopped as well and was about to ask if I could open my eyes when he spoke.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." He was smiling in front of me when I finally opened them.

I took in my surroundings slowly, only to look back at Mike in confusion.

"Primrose Hill?" I questioned.

"Have you ever seen a sunset at Primrose Hill? They're beautiful." He almost seemed disappointed that I didn't know that.

"Mike I've never really been outside of Brighton or Suffolk, so no I've never seen the sunset here." I let out a light laugh. 

"Well it looks like we weren't the only ones who had the idea of coming here for sunset." a voice said from behind me.

I turned around to find Stu stood with a girl slightly shorter than him. She had medium length hair, brown on top that faded into blonde towards the bottom. I recognized her from the photo Mike had shown me earlier.

"Wow, I finally get to meet THE Maddie?" Mike joked as he steps towards her, reaching his hand out and shaking her's.

Stu rolled his eyes but continued to smile. He looked happy with her, really happy. "Glad to see you up and about Addie." 

It was my turn to roll my eyes at Stu, "Yeah yeah, I guess I had to get up at some point."

"Well Addie, this is Maddie." Stu introduced her, despite the fact that I already knew that it was her.

"Nice to meet you." I reached my hand out just as Mike had.

"Likewise." She responded with a gentle hand shake.

Just as I was about to ask Maddie where in Australia she was from, my phone began to ring. I knew the ringtone and I wasn't sure that right now was a good time to answer it. Mike was already glancing at me as if to ask whether or not I was going to answer it. 

I fumbled to get it out of my pocket before excusing myself and pressing the accept button and walking a few feet away.

"Now is not the best time." I answered.

"Well hello to you too." His familiar voice said through the speaker.

"Things are really complicated right now, and talking to you at this very moment is not going to help me figure anything out. Listen Ed, I need a few days to think about some things. I'll just talk to you when we meet up in America, okay?" 

"Addie, I'm not trying to make this complicated. If you have feelings for Mike, don't let what we used to have stop you. You and I had our time, and it didn't work out, so please don't let me hold you back. I just called to see how you were doing and to see when you were heading out of London, but I guess it doesn't really matter now. I'll see you in America Addison." And with that the line went dead and I was left to wonder if he really meant what he said.

"Everything okay?" Mike asked as he neared me.

"Yeah, everything is fine." I said with a smile as I began to walk towards him.

"Good." He pulled me into a tight embrace and only pulled away slightly to place a quick kiss on my forehead, "Who was it anyways?" 

"Just a wrong number." I lied, hoping he would just believe me and let it go.

"A wrong number with Ed's ringtone, huh?" He crossed his arms over his chest, I had been caught. 

"What do you want me to say Mike? Do you want me to tell you that I have everything figured out? That I know exactly what I want? Because I don't. I don't have the faintest idea. I don't know if I want to be with you or if I want to go back to him. I just don't know right now Mike. So yeah, I lied. I lied because I didn't think it mattered if it was Ed or not. I haven't made a choice. I haven't picked you or him. Not yet, so what does it matter if it was him because it's not like it lead to a life changing decision." I turned around with every intention of walking away, but I then realized that I didn't know where I would go. I wasn't sure how to get back to Ed's flat from here, so I just stood there for a minute, my back turned to him, and stayed silent.

"Let's go home, yeah?" Mike asked softly as he gently tried to turn me around. 

"I'm sorry." I replied as I turned, "You brought me here to watch the sunset and I've just ruined it." 

"It's fine. Let's just get back to the flat." 

"Yeah, okay." I agreed.

He reached his hand out for me to take, and I considered not taking it at first, but he gave me a smile as if to say 'it's okay' before walking closer and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm not upset with what you said Addie, mainly because you're right. I know you have a tough decision to make with this, and I don't mean to rush you. I just want you to be happy and I just want to help in any way possible." 

"Thank you Mike, and I'm sorry for yelling like that. I should've just told you it was Ed in the first place. I shouldn't have lied." I looked up at him with hope that he would forgive me for my outburst. 

"Don't be sorry. We all deal with things differently, you just need to know that I'm fine with you talking to Ed. You guys have a past, I obviously can't ignore that, so don't feel like you have to lie to me about it."

"I'll keep that in mind." I smiled.

He finally took my hand in his before leading me out of the park. Stu and Maddie had wandered off so we didn't bother trying to find them to let them know we were leaving, but sent him a text instead. Rather than seeing the sunset from the park, we saw it on the way back to the flat and it was still beautiful. 

When we arrived back at the flat, we were surprised to find Gary sat on the steps waiting for us. 

"Gary, what brings you over?" Mike asked.

"Ed called and asked me to come over and check on Addie, he was worried." Gary replied.

Mike gave me a look before shaking his head with a grin, "I'm going to have to fight my way through this one." He smirked, knowing Ed wasn't going to give up on getting me back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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