Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 

Addie's POV

I was awaken at about 3 am by a loud crack of thunder outside. I jumped a bit when there was another, only to wake Mike.

"What's wrong Addie?" He asked in a groggy voice.

"I just don't like thunder is all." I said softly.

"Maybe we shouldn't have come to London then. I mean it storms here quite often." He said, a tint of worry present.

"No no, I'm fine. Honestly, I'll be okay." I said, not wanting him to leave just because of me.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, just go back to sleep." I assured him.

"Alright." He said before quickly drifting back to sleep.

I was going to try to fall back asleep, but the thunder and lightning outside made that difficult. After a few minutes, I heard a guitar being played from the room across the hall. I carefully stood, trying not to wake Mike. 

I successfully made it out the bedroom door before realizing it was Stu playing guitar in the guest room. He had the door cracked and he was softly singing. 

I lightly knocked on the door, getting a response shortly after.

"Come on in Addie." He said with a chuckle.

"How'd you know it was me?" I asked as I walked in slowly.

"Mike would've just walked in." He responded as he sat his guitar down beside him. 

"Makes sense." I said as I stood awkwardly by the door.

"Is everything alright?" He asked.

"Just couldn't sleep. I'm not a fan of storms." I answered.

"Understandable. Is Mike asleep then?" He questioned.

"Yeah." I said as I moved back and forth from one foot to the other.

"You can sit if you'd like." He said motioning to the empty portion of the bed.

"I'm fine. I should be getting back to Mike I suppose." I replied.

"Can I ask you something?" He questioned.

"You just did." I said sarcastically.

"Serioulsy though." He said after chuckling lightly.

"Yeah, anything." I said with a smile.

"Do you like Mike?" He asked.

"Yeah, I do." I said.

"Good thing too." A voice said from behind me before wrapping their arms around my waist and pulling me tight against them.

A smile spread across my face as I turned my head to look up at him.

"What're you doing up?" I asked him.

"I woke up and you weren't there, so I got worried. I hope Stu hasn't said anything stupid." Mike said.

"No not at all. He's actually being very nice." I said happily.

"Good. Well Addie Rhea, would you like to join me back in bed?" Mike asked.

"I suppose so." I said.

"Goodnight love birds." Stu said as he continued to play the guitar.

"Goodnight Stu." I responded before turning towards the door, Mike already standing in the hall waiting for me. 

"So, everything alright then?" Mike asked as we returned to bed.

"Yeah, the lightning just woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep." I responded.

"Light sleeper then?" He questioned.

"Sometimes yeah." I answered.

"Well, it seems the storm has just about stopped, so hopefully you can get back to sleep now, yeah?" He said.

"I hope so." I replied.

And I did. There was no more lightning that night, which I was grateful for, but even if there hadn't been, I'm sure I would have been okay. Mike being the reason, along with the guitar notes drifting over from across the hall.

When I woke early the next morning, I got up and pulled back the curtains to find that it was still raining. It was a depressing rain. You know the type; dreary and dark, with little to no life moving outside. It's the type of rainy day that I dreaded when I was in a down mood. It never helped the thoughts in my head, but only made them worse.

"Addie?" Mike called from the bed.

"Hmm?" I mumbled as I continued to look out the window, my index finger resting on my lips, the habit of biting my finger nails wanting to show.

"Are you alright love?" He asked as he sat up, leaning his back against the headboard, the worry evident in his voice.

"Yeah, I think so." I said softly, but not very reassuringly.

"Why'd you run away? If you don't mind me asking, I mean you don't have to tell me." He asked.

"My parents do nothing but fight. A while back my father came home and said he was done and that he didn't want to do it anymore. That was the day I ran away. I couldn't take living there knowing everything was falling apart at my account." I answered.

"What do you mean at your account? It surely couldn't have been your fault." Mike said as he began to stand from the bed.

I turned around to face him, tears already building in my eyes. I hadn't cried, not properly, for a reason other than Mike's show the other night, in months. It just didn't happen. But it was now.

"If this is too much, just know you can stop. I'm not forcing you to tell me anything." He said as he stood infront of me, his thumbs coming up to wipe the tears away. 

"Maybe later. I don't think I can right now. I'm sorry." I said as the tears continued.

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault love." He replied. 

 "It is though, it's always my fault." I cried out. 

"No, no it's not." He said as he pulled me into a tight embrace.

We stood there, just like that, for 10 minutes. And as I cried into his chest, I couldn't think of why I wanted to tell him everything. I mean, I barely knew him. I barely knew anything about him. I mean sure I knew the basics, what fan doesn't? 

But I knew Passenger, not Michael David Rosenberg. I didn't know the real him, only what came out in his musical side. 

So why did I trust him more than my own parents? Why did I feel like I could tell him everything that was going wrong in my life when I couldn't even tell my parents why I couldn't stay?

And that's when I realized what I had to do.

"Mike?" I mutttered into his chest.

"Yeah Addie Rhea?" He questioned.

"I want to tell you. I want to tell you everything, because I trust you, and I trust that you won't judge me." I said as I pulled away from him so that I could look at him face to face.

"Okay." He said simply.

And so I did. I told him everything.

Wrong Direction (Mike Rosenberg/Passenger) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now