Chapter 2

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Mike’s POV

Two hours after we had left the venue, I was pulling up to one of my best mates’ flats in London. I hadn’t seen him in a few weeks, and honestly I wasn’t even sure if he was home, but if he wasn’t, his flat mate would be and she would hopefully let us stay.

I parked and shut the car off before turning to face Addie. I shook her lightly to try to wake her up and eventually she woke up. She took in her surroundings, remembering where she was before looking over at me.

“Where are we?” she asked.

“London.” I answered.

“Why?” She asked.

“There’s a friend I need to see, and I figured you might like to meet him.” I answered.

“Who?” She questioned.

“That is still a surprise.” I answered as I opened my door and got out.

I walked over to her side and opened the door for her, helping her out. She stumbled a bit as she got out but I steadied her before letting out a laugh.

“I’m just tired.” She said laughing a little as well.

“Well let’s get inside and you can get some more sleep.” I said as I closed the car door and locked it.

We walked to the front door of my mate’s flat and I knocked three times, waiting a few minutes before the door was answered.

“Gary?” I asked the man standing in front of me.

“Mike, mate, what’re you doing here?” He asked confused.

“I came to see Ed.” I answered.

“Ed?” Addie questioned, “As in Ed Sheeran?”

“That’d be the one.” I answered.

“Sadly, he is not here. He left yesterday for his tour with Taylor.” Gary said.

“Wait, Gary? As in Gary from Snow Patrol?” Addie asked.

“That’d be the one, and may I ask who you are?” He questioned.

“Addie Rhea, a huge fan.” She answered.

“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Addie Rhea.” Gary said, “Now, where are you two staying?”

“Well I was hoping Ed would let us stay here, but seeing as he isn’t here…” I started.

“Don’t worry about it, come on in. Ed wouldn’t say no to you, so I’m not going to.” Gary said as he moved aside and let us in.

“Thanks mate.” I said as I led Addie inside.

Half an hour later, Addie was asleep with her head resting on my lap and the rest of her body spread across the sofa. Gary was sat on the other sofa and we were watching TV. As we sat there in silence, a question crossed my mind.

“Where’s Ed’s flat mate?” I asked.

“On vacation to Australia to visit family.” Gary answered.

I nodded my head taking in the new information.

“So how’d you meet Addie?” He asked.

“She ran away from home and was walking along the streets of Brighton. She didn’t seem like a serial killer or anything, so I picked her up. Brought her to my gig and told her I’d take her anywhere afterwards. She had nowhere to go, so I figured I’d bring her to London with me.” I answered.

“Why’d she run away?” He asked.

“Not sure, I haven’t got the chance to ask yet.” I answered, “I’ll ask when I know she is caught up on sleep and I know she trusts me.”

“By the looks of it, she already does trust you.” He said referring to the fact she was asleep on my lap.

I let out a chuckle before nodding my head in agreement. Gary decided to head off back to his place for the night, which left Addie and I alone. I picked her head up off my lap and stood up, gentle lying her head back down on a pillow and covering her up with the blanket from the back of the sofa.

I walked over to the other sofa and laid down, turning the TV off and getting comfortable. I ran through everything that had happened earlier, from meeting Addie, to having an amazing gig, and to her falling asleep using me as a pillow. It had been a good day honestly, and hopefully more were to come.

Addie’s POV

I woke up to silence, warmth, and comfort. I opened my eyes to find myself lying on the sofa I had fallen asleep on last night, but my pillow was an actual pillow instead of someone’s lap. I looked around to find Mike on the other sofa sound asleep.

I sat up and stretched a bit, letting out a yawn before standing. I needed to find the toilet. After walking back the hall and opening a few doors, not finding the toilet on the first few, I finally found it.

When I returned to the main room, I found Mike awake and on his phone doing something.

“Good morning.” I said softly.

“Good morning Addie.” He replied smiling at me, “Are you hungry?”

“Yeah a bit.” I answered as I sat back down on the sofa.

“Gary is on his way over with some food supposedly.” He said.

“Okay.” I replied.

“If you don’t mind me asking, you didn’t have a bag with you when I found you, so what happened to your things?” He asked.

“I only had one bag of things and the first night I ran away it got taken.” I answered.

“So you don’t have anything?” He asked.

“Nothing.” I answered.

“I suppose we have some shopping to do then.” He said.

“You don’t have to Mike.” I said.

“I don’t have to, but I want to.” He answered.

“Thank you, for everything. You honestly don’t know how much it means.” I said.

Just then, the front door opened and Gary walked in with a few McDonald’s bags in his hands. And when I say a few, I mean about 7.

“Mate, did you buy the entire menu?” Mike asked.

“Actually, I bought the entire menu, twice.” He answered.

I let out a giggle as he sat down on the sofa next to me and placed the bags on the coffee table in front of us. Mike walked over and sat on my right, while Gary was sat on my left. I sat there thinking for a few seconds before a smile came across my face.

“What are you smiling about?” Mike asked.

“How many people get to say that they ate breakfast with Gary Lightbody and Mike Rosenberg in Ed Sheeran’s flat?” I asked.

“Ed Sheeran.” Gary said.

“Smart ass.” Mike said laughing.

“Really though.” I said laughing as well.

“Gary’s jokes are just as bad as the one you made yesterday.” Mike commented.

“That joke was amazing and you know it.” I said.

“It was cliché is what it was.” Mike said.

“What joke?” Gary asked.

“She said it was weird being a passenger in Passenger’s car.” Mike said.

“That is actually pretty good. Why haven’t I ever thought of that one?” Gary said.

“See, it was a good joke.” I said sticking my tongue out at Mike.

“You’re taking joke advice from Gary?” Mike asked.

“At least he likes my jokes.” I said.

“Yeah, but Mike likes you.” Gary stated like it was no big deal.

Wrong Direction (Mike Rosenberg/Passenger) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now