Chapter 3

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Xiao's day started normal he ate breakfast which his family got ready for school and headed to school with Ganyu.
Only the second he entered he got pulled into a closet by someone leaving Ganyu confused. "What the hell?! Wait Venti? Why'd you pull me in here" Venti sighed and showed Xiao his phone. "My parents are going to kill me" "Dating? Me dating you? Never you're nothing more than a friend" That comment hurt Venti a bit and Xiao quickly noticed "Oh Venti I didn't mean it like that-" "Nono you simply mean you could only see us as friends right? You don't want me to stop being your friend do you?" Xiao sighed "I'm glad you understand but how exactly are we supposed to clear that whole situation up?" "I don't think we can I already tried explaining the truth but I failed miserably" "So then what are we supposed to do now?" "You two are going to fake this relationship for at least three months. Xiao jumped back from the sudden voice he didn't even notice the male there. "Oh right this is Dain my bodyguard" "He's been there the whole time and I didn't notice, forget that you expect me to be able to fake a relationship I've never even held someone's had that wasn't my dads or my little sister while she crossed the street" "Venti your class starts soon I suggest you two get going and discuss this during your lunch break" Venti nodded his head and took Xiao's hand as he left. "You should get used to it then because three months is a long time you know" Xiao sighed "What happens if I refuse?" "Well let's just say I'll be hated for a while" Xiao didn't want to do this fake relationship but he didn't want to harm Venti's career in any way.
The second they entered their classroom the instantly heard the class talking about them. Hu Tao quickly walked up to them and whispered. "Don't worry I know there's no way you two would date I'm just playing along" Xiao and Venti looked at each other and slowly nodded their heads. Xiao's teacher had made him sit in a middle seat with Hu Tao to the left of him and some girl he never cared to pay attention to on the right of him so he could 'focus better' and thanks to that the girl had told Venti to sit in her seat so he didn't have to be far from Xiao. "Well on the bright side I can cheat off of you during test" Xiao glared at Venti "No you won't not even Hu Tao can" "Wait I thought I made it obvious I just copied you during test?" Xiao slammed his head on his desk. "Xiao you'll hurt yourself doing that" The second Venti said that almost the whole class just stared at them and said "awww he's being a supportive boyfriend" Venti of course was confused considering anyone would be worried if their friend just slammed their head on a desk. Once the teacher entered the class Xiao's technical enemy wouldn't stop telling the teacher to move Xiao and Venti's desks closer to each other. "I don't need Venti's desk closer than it already is Keqing stop talking about it" Venti was too busy off in lala land thinking about games he could play instead of working on homework after school. Keqing turned around smirking "Oh? And what about Venti surely he'd want to be closer to his boyfriend" Xiao looked at Venti "He's off in lala land I don't think he even knows he's in class anymore" "Geez Keqing you should really let this grudge go" "No not until he apologizes for killing my hamster" "It had a fucking disease I did nothing to the dying rat" "You little bitch" "Xiao,Keqing I think you two should see yourselves to the office" Xiao groaned as he left the classroom soon followed by Keqing. "Thanks a lot little miss everyone has to apologize to me if my perfect school record of not getting into trouble is ruined my parents are going to kill me"*fun fact mine was ruined in I believe fifth grade after I told a student to fuck themself and jump off the school roof* "You should've apologized back in second grade" "You should've taken it to the vet" Keqing rolled her eyes as she and Xiao entered the office to see their parents or parent for Xiao. Xiao's heart instantly dropped to his stomach once he saw Childe standing there. "I assume you two know why you're here?" Xiao and Keqing slowly nodded their heads as they stared. "Great this will make things more easy, since you two already know I'll go ahead and explain what will happen."
"There will be a new student her name is Fishcl and she doesn't quite understand English very well and your parents said you two could understand Russian so if you two wouldn't mind once she comes next week could one of you help her around for a while?" Xiao and Keqing instantly raised their heads. Keqing smiled "I'd love to help her out, but if you don't mind me asking why're out parents here?" Childe looked at Xiao and singled him to follow him out of the office and of course Xiao did. "Dad what happened is everything okay?" "That Venti kid, the one everything your apparently in a relationship with left his jacket in your room yesterday and I forgot to give it to you when you left" Xiao sighed in relief as Childe handed him the jacket. After Keqing her mother and the principal walked out. "Well if you're all done talking with Xiao you are free to go back to class." Keqing and her mother then left the school. Don't worry she only had a doctors appointment. "Hm I wonder what your class looks like" "What? You're not walking me to class" "It is on the way to the door you know" "Dad please that's embarrassing" "Alright then answer this question for me why didn't you agree on giving that new student a tour" "I don't know now please don't walk me to class I might actually die of embarrassment" Childe however couldn't care and pulled Xiao to his class. Xiao quickly entered it and waved his dad off whilst he kept his face on his desk. "Oh hi childe!" Hu Tao smiled and waved at Childe. Venti went over to Xiao and began poking at his cheek. "Is he dead" "Just embarrassed by his dad" "That's your dad he's hot" Xiao lifted his head and stared at the one student that got her own page in the yearbook as the school's biggest simp Donna. "Gross what the hell" "Xiao is that my sweater?" Xiao nodded as he handed it to Venti. "They actually moved the desk closer?" "It's temporary the teacher got annoyed by everyone asking." "Where is he even at?" Venti shrugged his shoulders" "He said he had to do something after you and Keqing left and now the class has just gone crazy" "Venti you should doing it now while he's tired" "Do what to who?" Venti tired Xiao's arms to his chair causing Xiao to get annoyed. "Seriously? You think I can't why out of a jacket trap?" "You're too tried to even try aren't you?" Xiao sighed in defeat. "What do you two even want to do" "The one thing you've refused to allow me to do since we met of course I'm giving is matching hairstyles" Xiao looked at Venti. "There is now way I'm letting you two braid my hair" "Please Xiao it'll look cute" "It works for you because you're you it won't work for me" "Alright Venti plan B is a go then. Xiao sighed as Venti pulled him into a pretty tight hug. "Hurry Hu Tao he might try to attack back." Hu Tao nodded as she began braiding Xiao's hair. "I'm a boy not an attack helicopter" Venti smiled at Xiao then let go of him as Hu Tao finished. "See look at how pretty you look" "I'm gonna have to go through this for three months?" Venti nodded his head as Xiao groaned and Hu Tao laughed.

As lunch rolled by Dain walked over to them. "So have you two decided on something?" Venti nodded his head "Xiao agreed on faking the relationship you can go back to my house now" Dainsleif *idk how to spell it smh* nodded his head as he left. By then Keqing had returned on school and went over to them. "It definitely doesn't look like you two are dating Xiao acts as if he doesn't want to touch you" "Can't you let the man eat his food in peace?" "Quite Hu Tao I'm trying to expose these two." Keying being the leader of the cheer squad brought some attention to their tabled, more than usual at that. Ganyu and Yanfei look like they were gonna attack Keqing but managed to conceal themselves. "She has a point you know" Xiao rolled his eyes and decided to ignore the other students. "Just leave them alone Keqing" "No I want Xiao to say He likes no Loves Venti and he can't refuse of course he wouldn't refuse if they were actually dating" Venti looked at Xiao who he as sure was about to strangle Keqing to death. "Go on Xiao say it" "Xiao you don't have to say it besides who cares what Keqing thinks this is pretty childish" Xiao lifted his head and glared at Keqing. "Alright then if I say it you can't bother me ever again I'd like to finish high school without ever having to speak hear or interact with you" "Alright then say it I'm waiting,oh and you have to look him in the eyes" "What type of sexual pleasure are you getting out of this?" Yanfei smacked Hu Tao's shoulder. Venti and Xiao on the other hand were staring at each other. "Alright then Venti I love you" Xiao and Venti covered their ears so they wouldn't bleed from all the screaming in the cafeteria Keqing and left out of anger she definitely was determined to expose the two of them. "Holy hell Xiao how'd you manage to do that?" Xiao shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat his Almond Tofu and smiled. "He definitely loves the food our parents make him"

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