Venti's background aka trauma dump

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Growing up Venti was constantly complimented, which made it hard for him to make friends. His parents didn't care for his well-being and his sister never checked up on him.
He'd constantly attempt to talk to his family members but it always ended up with his mother beating him or his father threatening him. Of course out in public this was never the case. "Oh Venti you'd  look so cute in this don't you think?" Would actually mean "Get the hell over here and act happy you're making me look like a bad mother" He'd always try to talk to the small amount of friends he has but they'd always turn around and say "Man Venti you're parents are amazing you're so lucky"
His mother noticed how more and more people began to notice hi mental heath getting worse so she's either threaten to throw him in a mental hospital for force him to take pills.
Venti's life was a living hell.
"Please get out of my room I put your clothes in the living room" "Shut up you little shit!" Venti despised his uncle they never got along especially not when he drinks. "Gross you smell"
Venti regretted making that statement as it lead to his uncle choking him. Venti did everything in his power to break lose pulling his hair, kicking him, screaming, scratching him, but nothing seemed to work. Soon his mother came up and stopped it. After that day Venti always had troubles with breathing but never tells anyone.
In the fifth grade he was introduced to something called creepypasta, Venti looked more into this and never looked at it again. Yet something pulled him back into it. He began staying up all night creating fake scenarios in his head and soon began to see things in the dark corners of his room. He'd even hear someone call his name every now and then.
Those restless nights became normal for him as he got older.
He doesn't talk much about it but he's tried stabbing his family members to get away from them and has even c*t himself during classes or whenever he's alone. He started to eat do things he knew would kill him like taking multiple pills banging his head on objects and self harm.
All of this of course happened whilst more and more people were finding out about him making him more popular which is why he moved schools for a fresh start.
He didn't expect much but that all changed once he met Xiao. Everyday after meeting Xiao he's wanted to say thank you for saving him from his terrible home or distracting him from it.

Ok so the reason I put trauma dump is because i used all the the events that has happened in my life for Venti's backstory.
Minus the part where my family constantly forgets I'm even here to doesn't see me leave my room anymore.
My uncle who chocked me was then treated like a baby at the age of 24 by my mom whilst me at the age of 11 who almost lost my life to this man for the second time was yelled out and was told it was all my fault. As for Xiao saving Venti was just my way of saying my boyfriend saved me from my terrible family. The self harm seeing things and being threatened were all things I went through and is currently still going through. My friends do worry for me considering they're the ones that have to deal with me. As for my biological father who I never get or want to see wasn't even mentioned. It's a rather tough thing to talk about for me.
So I'll do a little draw my life thing only I'm typing everything
After about thirteen weeks of me being born both my parents left me with my current parents. Whenever my real sad came near me I'd burst into tears begging him not to come near me. Why? Well when a rather big old man starts grabbing you calling you names you've repeatedly told him not to call you and forces you to let him kiss you you're not gonna want him bear you. My biological mother has always tried helping me only in the process she made me afraid of physical touch for a while. Not to mention whenever I get mad I began to cry crocodile tears instead of hurting someone or just crying after being yelled at. However I cannot just make it seem like I was the only victim here. I'll admit it I'm a pretty aggressive person and yelling at people hurting them laughing at their pain is something I do that I'm not proud of but I only now realize who I got it from exactly of course that can't just excuse the things I did and it never will. It's not like I can apologize to those kids now. They aren't dead or anything they just switched schools. I'm not sure why I decided to join the group of kids that bullied others but if anything I was just happy it wasn't me for once. And after apologizing and talking it out with the kid he still continues to be the pervert he was before so I don't care as much as I thought I would.
As for the whole self harm thing I'm two months and 2 weeks clean from it my longest record.
Anyway enough of my boring life I'm going back to writing the story. 😁

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