Chapter Four

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they may or may not fake kiss in this not sure yet
Once the weekend rolled around their little friend group decided to go to the mall considering Xiao and Ganyu got their allowance and luckily for them their dad just so happened to have way too much money. Xiao and Venti walked behind everyone holding hands and talking. Aether and Lumine were arguing over who looked the ugliest even though they were twins and Ganyu Hu Tao and Yanfei were trying to stop them. "Xiao in here!" "The candy store?" Venti nodded his head. Venti and Xiao entered with the other following close behind. Xiao wasn't the biggest fan of candy they were far too sweet in his option. "There's a giant gummy worm can we get it?!" Xiao looked at the gummy worm Venti was oh so fascinated by "1,000 mora? Alright I guess" Xiao bought Venti the gummy worm only to be pulled into another store. "This is a kids store what would you even want from this?" "You're never too old to go into a lego store and play Xiao" Xiao watched as Venti began sculpting a little house out of legos. "So emo boy wanna go to hot topic?" "Did you just call me emo boy?" Venti ignored Xiao's question and pulled him into hot topic to find his friends trying to choose on which shirts they should get. "Oh hey you two" "Aether can you help me I'm too short?" Aether went over to Lumine and grabbed the what appeared to be some anime shirt. Xiao and Venti walked around until Xiao found something that interested him. "You sure you don't want anything you seemed pretty interested in that frog hat Xiao and it looks cute on you" Xiao turned red as Venti laughed at him. They ended up getting matching hats then went off to get something to eat then go back to Xiao's house. Venti and Xiao ended up locking everyone out of Xiao's room whilst they were there. "Alright then you sure you think you can play this?" "It's just a little game made for kids how hard can it be?"
Venti ended up rage quitting causing Xiao to practically die of laughter. "It's not funny Xiao" "You're right I'm sorry it's just" Xiao fell to the floor laughing. Venti crossed his arms and threw pillows at him. "Hey who's pigtailed weirdo?" "Hu Tao,why" "She texted you a few times asking if you were okay" Xiao sat next to Venti and took his phone falling backwards onto his bed. Venti stared at him while he typed. "You okay you look sad?" Venti fell back next to Xiao. "I kinda feel bad about this whole situation you wouldn't have to go through any of it if I would've stayed homeschooled" "It's alright so far this isn't any different then how we normally act right?" "I mean I guess but what if you want a girlfriend?" "A girlfriend why would I want a girlfriend exactly" "You said it yourself you were straight" Xiao pointed to the flag on his closet door. "Yes,definitely straight" "Oh well what if you get annoyed of me? Or one of us actually starts to have feelings for the other" Xiao looked at Venti confused "What's with all the questions all of a sudden?" "Sorry I'm just nervous,but for the sake of it we should at least try and make it seem like we're dating" "Alright then" Xiao then got a message from Hu Tao saying
'You two should just actually start dating to make things easier for everyone'
"Who was that?" "Hu Tao being Hu Tao why do you want to know who I'm texting so muc?" "What? I can't know who my boyfriend is constantly texting?" Xiao laughed "You want my password don't you" Venti nodded his head smiling. Xiao sighed and grabbed his finger. "You know how phones work you can give yourself a fingerprint on there" Venti quickly added his fingerprint or Xiao's phone. "Xiao what's my contact?" Xiao looked up from his computer. "The only one with a red heart" Venti blushed at the sight of his contact "I don't think I'm that cute" Xiao raised and eyebrow then went over to Venti. "Wait don't you have to start your stream in like three minutes?" Xiao nodded his head walking back to his computer. "This will be absolute hell"
As Xiao started his stream he only then remembered he was playing with some of his old friends and joined the call and was flooded with questions regarding the whole Venti situation but decided to ignore them until he got one particular question, 'Is Venti there with you?' It was a rather odd question to Xiao but he slowly nodded his head looking at Venti. "What happened why are you looking at me like that?" "You guys know Xiao isn't one to share his love life" Xinqiu and Xangling laughed at Chongyun's comment. "Still I wanna know if Venti's actually in his room he barley lets Hu Tao in there" Xiao looked at Venti who appeared to be watching something on his phone. "You already know what Venti looks like why do you want to see him so bad?" Xiao then noticed most of his comments were 'Just show his head or something' and sighed. "Venti do you think you can answer some questions for me while I got and check up on those idiots downstairs?" Venti looked up and nodded. "How exactly do I work it though?" Xiao looked at Venti a bit concerned. "Uh just put on the headset and read the comments it should be easy" Venti nodded as he sat in Xiao's seat and began reading the comments and Xiao ran down the stairs.
"Whoa calm down Xiao what happened?" "Nothing I just wanted to make sure Qiqi was okay" "What a terrible lie Qiqi has been with our dads the whole day" "Why does it look like Yanfei and Hu Tao are harassing Aether" Aether looked at Xiao practically with tears in his eyes. "They gave me the most hideous hair style ever." Hu Tao kicked Aether's leg "Rude that's MY hairstyle" Xiao sighed "Just try not to set a fire" "Fine but one more question why'd you lock your door when you and Venti went in there?" Xiao ignored the question and went back up to his room to see Venti in the corner laughing. "What in the world happened to you?" "You cried after your cotton candy disappeared after you tried washing it!" Xiao turned red from embarrassment. "I was six! And how'd you even find out about that I never told anyone other than... Xangling I'm gonna kill you" "Well I suppose that's the end of this call bye!" Xangling instantly left the call guessing ended when stream. Xiao sighed "I was six" "Don't worry Xiao I'm sure you would've cried after it dissolved in your mouth" "How is that supposed to make me feel better?!" Venti laughed even harder. Xiao ended his stream out of annoyance and carried Venti down the stairs over his shoulder. "Where are you two going?" "I'm throwing him away" "Wait Xiao I'm sorry!" Ganyu looked at them confused as Xiao left the house with a squirming Venti. "Xiao please don't tell me you're actually going to do that" "Oh no I most definitely am don't worry though I'm sure there's some trash bags in there to keep you comfortable" Venti continuously attempted to get out of Xiao's grip but eventually gave up. "Xiao that's disgusting please tell me you're joking now" Xiao put Venti down. "You do realize I already passed my garbage cans right?" Venti looked at where he was at then jumped back. "You're throwing me in the lake?!" Xiao sighed "You said we should at least try to make this relationship seem real so I guess this is a surprise date" "But no one's watching us right now" "So you wanna go back to my room?" Venti shook his head. "A frog!" Venti went after the frog that bashed across the grass. "Venti be careful I'm not gonna help you if you fall" Venti caught the frog then walked back to Xiao. "Look at how cute it is" "That's disgusting throw it back" "What no way give it a kiss as an apology" Xiao looked at Venti "I'm sure it'll enjoy going to the store they have lots of frog legs there" Venti gasped and coved the frogs 'ears' *Idk if they have ears tbh I'm scared of frogs* "Xiao kiss it" "No way am I kissing a frog maybe lay back on the Disney movies a bit" "Fine then I'll kiss it" "I'm locking you out of my house if you put your lips on that thing" "Geez it's just a frog he's sad now" "He'll pee on you" Venti put the frog in the grass. "Good point well then kiss me" "What? Did you hurt your head or something" Venti walked closer to Xiao. "I noticed that guy with a camera following us honestly he could've done a better job at hiding. "Ok then I'm not actually kissing you though" Xiao put his two thumbs over Venti's lips and 'kissed' him. "You're hair smells like strawberries" "I use my sisters shampoo"

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