Chapter 1 sorry if its long

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I am aware it's confusing to read I tend to do that a lot considering I mainly write whilst half asleep
As Xiao walked into his school he instantly noticed the crowd of kids surrounding someone and tried to ignore them. "Hiya Xiao!" Xiao jumped back from the sudden yell only to see his good friend Hu Tao. "Oh sorry did I startle you?" "No I jumped back out of happiness" "Oh Xiao no need to be so mean aren't you exited?" "What would I be excited for exactly?" "You should really check your phone more often *the* Venti is starting school here today!" "Oh, right I did see that I guess I forgot" "Gosh Xiao you look like you haven't slept in a year how'd your parents let you out of the house like that?" "They left for work early today besides shouldn't you be in class already?" "Oh shoot I forgot bye Xiao!" Hu Tao waved as she ran off to her class. She started going in at least three minutes early just so she wouldn't be late. It was her second year into high school and she wanted a fresh start on getting to class.Xiao continued to walk down to his locker and got a sudden scare. "Hey Xiao! you're still coming to my house to help me set up everything right?" "Geez Xangling you scared me, I don't know though Ill probably have some things to do at my house." "Bummer I'll ask Xinqiu and Chongyun then bye!" Xiao watched as the overly hyper girl ran off. "Xiao there you are you left without me!" "Oh sorry Ganyu I forgot you aren't in middle school anymore" "Still you could've told me you were leaving you know" Xiao looked at Ganyu then sighed. "Turn around,you didn't even bother to do your hair today" Ganyu turned around and apologized about three times as Xiao put her hair in a ponytail. "You can stop saying sorry now it's not that big of a deal" Ganyu sighed "Could you at least help me to my class before the bell rings" As Ganyu said that the bell just so happened to go off. "Oh god Xiao I'm already late!" "Calm down you can still make it before the teacher closes their door" Xiao walked Ganyu to her first class. And headed to his. "Fifteen and still can't get places without my help strange." "Ah Xiao there you are I began to worry from what you're teachers from last year said you're never late to class." "Sorry I had to help my little sister get to her class" "No worries take a seat it seems we're still missing two students" Not too long after Hu Tao and Venti entered. "Ah I'm guessing you're Venti and you're Hu Tao?" They both nodded their heads. After explaining why they were late Hu Tao sat next to Xiao and Venti on the far left side of the class. "How'd you manage to be late to class after leaving for it early?" "Let's not talk about it"
Xiao shook his head and listened to what the teacher had to say.
Once lunch came around Xiao sat in his usual spot in the back of the lunch room unfortunately the annoying cheerleaders decided to move next to him. "So Xiao did you think about what I said?" "I'm not letting Ganyu join your stupid team" Keqing sighed "I'm sure you'll come around sooner or later" "It'll be later just to let you know" As Keqing went back to her table Hu Tao and Ganyu joined him. "I hate school" "Whoa that's not like you Ganyu what happened?" "Thanks to Xiao no one will stop following me around" "I have no idea how that's my fault but continue" "Everyone knows me as that streamer with black and turquoise hairs little sister" Hu Tao giggled a bit. "No need to worry I was known as his stalker before people realized I was his friend" "You'll grow to like school here it's a nice school the students can be a bit *pushy* though" Xiao made sure he said pushy loud enough for Keqing to hear. Hu Tao and Ganyu then practically froze. Xiao however didn't seem to care or notice. "Sorry to interrupt you three but do you mind if I sit here?" "Go ahead, Ganyu you look like you saw a ghost and Hu Tao you look better than usual" "Wha- Hey Xiao not funny!" Xiao looked to his side after hearing someone laugh."Oh you're the new kid Venti right?" Only this time Venti was the one staring. Xiao waved his hand in front of Venti's face. "S-Sorry I just didn't notice you were Xiao I really like your streams" Ganyu practically died at that point. "Xiao I think your sister died" "She's fine,I think. Besides that you watch my streams? I didn't think someone as famous as you would" Hu Tao threw a straw at Xiao. "No, he has a point my parents barley allow me to have any free time I'm always busy with things I don't care for" "Can you people stop staring at us?" Xiao looked behind him to practically see half of the cafeteria staring at them. "Why are they staring at us like that?" "Well call me crazy but if I saw a Famous Singer laughing and talking with a Famous streamer I'd be pretty interested too" "Especially if one of them is a fan of the other" "Aiya you're pretty dense Xiao aren't you?"
"I don't mean to intrude but are you two like dating or something you seem close?" Xiao almost cussed the student out. "What the hell makes you think that?" "Xiao no swearing!" "No way Xiao and Hu Tao are definitely a thing!" "I'd rather die then date Hu Tao besides she's into girls"
After a while of trying to get the other students to leave they finally succeeded.
"Man I just noticed Aether and Lumine aren't here today are they?" "Oh? You three know Aether and Lumine?" "Yup! We've been friends with them for a while now" "Didn't they mention us being cousins?" "Wh-What?! You're Aether and Lumine's cousin?! They never even bothered to mention you!" "Calm down Hu Tao you're causing a scene"

They attempted finished the rest of their lunch then finished off school.
"Xiao do you think your parents can pick up Yanfei for me?" "I don't know you'll have to ask them" "Ah Xiao there you are! Can we exchange numbers? I really want to be your friend and you're kinda the first student that didn't freak out at the sight of me, and ᶦ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ᵃᵐ ᵃ ᵇᶦᵍ ᶠᵃⁿ ᵃⁿᵈ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵗᵃˡᵏ ᵗᵒ ʸᵒᵘ" "What was that last part?" "ᶦ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ᵃᵐ ᵃ ᵇᶦᵍ ᶠᵃⁿ ᵃⁿᵈ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵗᵃˡᵏ ᵗᵒ ʸᵒᵘ" Xiao sighed "Venti you're gonna have to speak louder you know." "ɪ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴀᴍ ʙɪɢ ғᴀɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ!" Other students looked at them weirdly but ignored them causing Venti to turn red. "Sorry that was probably too loud" "Nono it's alright do you have your phone with you I can put my number in it" Venti nodded his head and then handed Xiao his phone. After entering his number he heard his dad fall for him. "I don't have time to put my name but I'm sure you can't remember how to spell it but it's X.I.A.O bye!" Xiao and Ganyu ran to Childe. "Wait Xiao before you saying anything I wanna guess that Hu Tao needs us to pick up Yanfei and take her to our house until their parents return from her Aunts house?" "Whoa dad your so smart how'd you know?" "Don't get too impressed Ganyu he got a text from her mom asking already" Childe sighed "Must you take the fun out of it for your sister?" "Where's papa?" "He's with Qiqi at the doctors office" Hu Tao then quickly ran over. "Sooo did you ask him?" "He already knew now hurry up and get into the car I'm getting tired of standing outside and you know"
Hu Tao got into the backseat with Ganyu as Xiao sat in the front.
*oh and if you wanna know venti put
Xiao💚 as his contact nothing out of the ordinary everyone in his contacts has a heart"

Now for a little time skip to about three weeks

"Please let me copy off of you Xiao I don't get it" "No way it's not my fault you're too dumb to pay attention" Yanfei and Ganyu giggle as they play games on Xiao's computer. "Hey Xiao why exactly do you need three computer monitors?All you do is play games" "It's so I can't have multiple things open at once hence the other mouse I have" "Okay and this pad and pen?" "Oo I know! Mister Xiao here likes drawing Venti" Xiao pushed Hu Tao. "It's for Ganyu you make it sound like I'm obsessed with him, and I also draw other things like flowers that Qiqi picks when we go on Vacation." "I do wanna know why you weren't there I had to walk around with Xiao and Hu Tao all of today Yanfei" "Hehe right I may or may not have slept in then got lost then ended up calling our parents which led to us being here now" Xiao sighed "You have an idiot for a sister" Hu Tao and Xiao continued to do their work and by that I mean Hu Tao continuously tried to copy Xiao's homework then heard the front door open. "I'll be back"
Xiao left and headed downstairs to get Qiqi to see his parents kissing "Gross get a room you two" Xiao picked up Qiqi and went back to his room hearing his dads laugh he also could've sworn he heard childe say. "Oh? Do you want another sibling Xiao?" But ignored it. "Qiqi doesn't get it why are you taking Qiqi to your room?" "Aww Qiqi is here!" Qiqi looked at Ganyu then back at Xiao. "Xiao I want Cocogoat milk" "For the hundredth time it's pronounced Coconut Milk not Cocogoat" "Xiao Hu Tao isn't smart is she?" "Wha hey! I still don't get why she doesn't like me" Xiao walked over to his computer. "Ganyu open that file and click the first image" Ganyu nodded and did as her brother said. "Do you remember the flower you picked last week?" Qiqi tilted her head "Qiqi remembers a big purple flower" Xiao sighed "At least you guessed the size correct this time" Qiqi looked at the flower on Xiao's computer screen. "Is that the flower?" "Yup the one you said you wanted" "Hey Xiao why do you and Ganyu try and make Qiqi remember everything?" "She has short term memory loss so Ganyu and I try and help her remember things little by little." "Four O'clock! Xiao four o'clock!" "What's at four o'clock?" Xiao then realized something. "Im supposed to start dinner at four o'clock tomorrow but my dads told me this four days ago Qiqi you remembered?" Qiqi nodded her head. Zhongli then appeared at his door. "Is everything okay I heard Qiqi yell?" "Did you tell her to remind me I had to start dinner at four tomorrow?" "No why do you ask?" "She just told Xiao he needed to make dinner at four tomorrow"
Zhongli was confused but overall impressed by Qiqi remembering something that he never even told her.
After eating dinner and praising Qiqi Hu Tao and Yanfei went home and Xiao,Qiqi,and Ganyu went to bed.
"Xiao make sure not to stay up so late tonight okay?" Xiao nodded his head. "Alright goodnight I love you" "Love you too" Xiao watched as Childe left his room then quickly pulled out his phone to answer the many annoying texts he got from Venti.

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