Chapter 19

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"Xiao? You ok?" "Yea just can you get my pills?" Venti sighed going into the bathroom. "Which one?!" "The one with a green sticker" Venti looked through Xiao's medicine cabinet and found it. "Painkillers?" "Just give them to me" Venti handed the angry Xiao the painkillers and watched him take them. "Xiao why do you have so many things in your medicine cabinet?" "Well there's my two pills Qiqi's pills, Ganyu's allergy medicine and and a bunch of epipens Ganyu and Qiqi are both allergic to peanuts." "What about the one with a purple sticker?" "They were the Antidepressants my parents made me take" "You're depressed?" "No my doctors just gave me the wrong medicine" "I don't think that's possible but ok"
Xiao and Venti ended up falling asleep while watching Barbie movies *venti forced him to watch them*
Xiao ended up waking up before Venti did and went downstairs to see Ganyu,Hu Tao and Zhongli play Uno and Childe and Qiqi coloring. "So Xiao, what's this party Hu Tao was talking about?" Xiao glared at Hu Tao as she smiled. "It was Hu Tao's fault" "I was just trying to save you" "Yea they aren't letting me throw a party" "I don't see the problem with that, you could make more friends and get out of the house." "I'm ok with it if Zhongli is" "I hate all of you" "Aw we love you too Xiao, make sure you put your pills away" "Yea yea whatever" Xiao went back to his room to see Venti gone. He was about to leave and look for him when he heard Venti's phone go off. "No it's his privacy don't look at it Xiao" Xiao then rolled his eyes at his own statement and got Venti's phone.

Block this number
Do it or your sister gets it

"Venti, where'd you go?" It was silent until he heard a sniffle coming from the closest. Xiao sighed opening the closet door. "Venti come out of ther-"
Xiao couldn't believe what just happened. "Venti..." "Xiao I'm sorry" Xiao fell to the floor Venti soon after crying. "Venti why?" "I didn't want him to hurt my sister" "So you stabbed me?" "I- I wasn't thinking straight Xiao I love you" Venti cried as Xiao's blood quickly covered his white shirt and hands. Xiao died in Venti's arms
"I'm sorry"x5*im not writing it five times sorry*

"Venti wake up!" Venti jumped up out of his sleep crying. "Xiao you're ok!" Venti pulled Xiao into a hug crying. "Babe calm down what happened?" "I killed you" "You what?"
*after venti explained everything because I'm too lazy*
"So you dreamt I woke up had a while conversation with my dad whilst you were sleep went upstairs and you killed me?" "Yes" "How the hell do you dream I wake up if you were in your body in the dream? You know what forget it" Xiao spent the rest of that night holding Venti close to him until they both fell asleep.
The next morning Xiao brought Venti some food. "Still scared from last night?" Venti nodded his head taking the strawberries off the plate. "Well did you at least block him?" "Xiao it was just a dream I'm sure he won't even text me after what happened before" Xiao laid next to Venti watching as he ate his strawberries. "You want some?" Xiao nodded his head and smiled as Venti put the strawberry in his mouth. Xiao definitely wanted to spend the rest of his life with this boy he just wasn't sure how he'd tell him.

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