Well uh sorry?

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Since this is the only story of mine that gets attention I'll post this here.
Due to personal reasons I've decided to take a break from writing stories for a while I'll probably pick it back up in mid January it might just be I have no motivation to constantly write Xiaoven with little to no idea I'll probably still go on Wattpad if a story I read gets updated but I think it's safe to say I probably will no longer write Xiaoven I still love the ship I just want to take a break and write about other ships I like from other fandoms not only Genshin. If you'd like to request a story for me to write you can my discord is Ghostheh#4746
Although I probably won't see it until January I'm not grounded or anything I just don't go on discord often. I also haven't completely quit on writing Xiaoven I might just plan the stories more and take more time when it comes to editing and making sure things are readable. Another reason could be my dog was kidnapped during summer and I didn't let myself think much of it due to me having two other dogs but the one I lost was the dog I got for my third birthday and a little voice continues to remind me of it and my dad possibly has Alzheimer so that stacked on top of his head injury and the injuries from when he was in the military and he's old so I wanna take some time to be around my family more often.
That should be all though just send me a message on discord if you want me to plan a story for a ship you like and I'll hopefully see it ❤️

I honestly don't know but it's High-school au Xiaoven! Where stories live. Discover now