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After Emily's death you were a mess

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After Emily's death you were a mess. What happens when she comes back?

After Emily's death you were a mess, like literally, you didn't know what to do.

How can you live when the love of your life dies? When the only person, who you trusted your whole life story with, can't come back to you? When the one thing that holds you togehter isn't there to glue you back togehter, when you break apart?

It took you months to repair from the death of your girlfriend of three years. You couldn't do anything in that time. You were in your apartment all day long. Everyone checked up on you, but you couldn't stand seeing them.

After four months you were finally able to work again, and you were getting into your routine.

Altough you were still looking aftet Ian Doyle with Morgan and Penelope. After seven months you finally had a break trough. Derek called Hotch, who was overseas and described everything to him. Hotch came the other day and you were really happy to see him.

You were really confused, when he ordered everyone to the conference room.

"Everyone take a seat, please." Hotch said as he stands, JJ besides him.

"Is everything alright, Hotch?" you ask, but he didn't look at you, you were even more confused.

"7 months ago I made a decision that affected this Team." he said, and you knew immediatly that this was something about Emily, but why bring this up?

"As you know, Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle. The doctors were able to stabilize her and she was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda under a covert exfilitration. Her identity was strictly need-to-know." he said and you just stared blanky at him. You couldn't move or do anything.

"She stayed there until she was well enough to travel, she was reassigned to Paris where she was given several different identities which we had no access to for her security." He goes on.

No one says anything until Garcia asks, "She's alive?".

"But we buried her..." Reid says hurt.

"Please Hotch tell me this isn't true." your voice nothing but a whisper, still everyone heard you. He was the only one, who knows what really happend to you, when Emily "died".

"I take full responsibility for the decision, if anyone has any issues they should be directed to me." Hotch says.

"Issues? Yeah, I got issues!" Morgan raises his voice at Hotch.

Just then you hear footsteps coming from the hallway. They stop at the door and you can barely move your head, because you already know, what your gonna see, is gonna break your heart all over again.

When you finally turn around, there she stands. The woman you loved so much. The Woman you mourned over for months and still are, Emily Prentiss.

Emily says something but you can't hear it. She gives everyone hugs, and when it came to you, you just stood there and did nothing. You couldn't do anything.

She just looked at you with pity, but directly took over the case.

You all did everything to track Declan and in the end Ian Doyle died and the boy got out save.

After the case Emily and you went to your apartment becuase she needed somewhere to stay. After the door closed, you directly went to the fridge to grab a beer.

You two just stood there and looked at eachother. After a while Emily said, "I'm sorry.."

"Wow good one. You're sorry?" you say sarcastically.

"Look, I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't. Hotch wouldn't let me. I missed you every second." she says with glassy eyes.

You just looked at her and said nothing, like all these hours ago.

"Look I don't know how to make this up. But I love you with every inch of my body, and if you don't after every-"

"You think I don't love you anymore? You don't know how much I love you! Your death destroyed me Emily! You are the love of my life and then the other second you were dead. Do you know how that feels? Do you know what I have been trough because of your so called death?" you ask with teary eyes.

"What happend?" she whispers.

"I mourned over you! I was still mourning. I couldn't function for months. I just sat here and asked myself why? Why has this happend to you? All the What If's went through my head, all the time. All the DAMN time. I drank away the pain with alcohol a few days, but then Hotch came. He took everything away! You know what happend then, Emily? I tried to kill myself!" you yell with tears streaming over your face.

"I-I- I don-" Emily didn't know what to say, tears running down her face. The love of her life was broken, because of her.

"I was so damaged and couldn't live anymore. If Hotch didn't find me, I would be dead by now. He was the only one that knew, and he betrayed me. I cried myself to sleep in his arms, while he knew you're still al- alive." your voice cracking at the end.

She came to hug you as tight as she can, as you cry into her shoulder.

"I missed you so much." You cry.

"I missed you too, love. I love you." she responds.

"I love you too."

And so she helped you glue the pieces of your broken soul back together.


i honestly love this so much, aahhhh :)

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