𝐷𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑘 𝑀𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛 - 𝐵𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑

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You are visiting your best friend, Derek Morgan

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You are visiting your best friend, Derek Morgan.

You and Derek have been best friends since your childhood. You both lived in Chicago and have been trough a lot.

You knew about Derek's past and it broke your heart. You couldn't believe it, you cried with Derek for hours.

You were almost everyday at Derek's home, or he at yours. You two were inseparable.

Then there came college. You moved away and Derek too. You lost a bit contact, not hearing from eachother for months.

After college you decided it's time to reconnect and you called Derek. You two made time and your friendship began to bloom again.

You moved to New York for your work and Derek to Virginia, because he became a FBI-profiler. But this time you held contact. Calling him every second day and visiting as often as you can.

Today was no other. You were visiting Derek for the first time at his work and you would meet his team.

Derek was happy this day and that didn't go unnoticed.

"My chocolate thunder, why are you so happy today? Not that it's not good, but it's monday." Garcia asks as she makes her way into the Bullpen.

"Yeah, I am happy too that it's paperwork day, but you are usually not that happy about it." Spencer says confused.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Emily asks with a grin.

"No, no, no. Today my best friend is visiting and she is gonna meet you all." he says excited.

"But- but I thought I was your best friend." Garcia says a little hurt.

"Don't worry Babygirl. You are both my best friends." he says, which gives Penelope a smile.

You got a visitor pass and made your way up to floor 6. The door opens and you look around when you see the one and only.

"Derek Morgan!" you say happily and make your way to him as you smile bright.

He chuckles and gives you a bonebreaking hug,
"Y/N! I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Der." you say to him.

"Come on, I want you to meet the team." he says and you make your way to a group of people.

When you arrive there, you can see a man with brown curls making big eyes.

"Der-Derek you didn't say you-your best friend is the Y/n Y/L/N." he says, looking at Derek.

Derek just laughs, "Calm down kid, don't go all fangirling on her."

This makes you giggle, "I see you've heard from me, but it's really nice to meet you all. Especially you, Penelope." you say and give Garcia a big smile.

She returns it and makes her way to hug you, "Oh, I already like you! We are gonna be great friends."

Then Derek introduces you to everyone, even Hotch and Rossi.

"So, what do you do for living?" JJ asks.

"Well, I'm a scientist for germs." you say and they all look to Spencer.

"Ah, that's how boy genius knows you. He's a germaphobe." Emily says and you laugh at this.

"So, anyone special in your life?" Garcia asks with wiggling eyebrows.

"When you mean with special, my golden retriever, then yeah." you say and they chuckle at your comment.

You stay for another hour, but you need to go.

"Okay, that's my cue to leave. It was nice meeting you all." you say and wave at them. You make your way to the elevator and take a last look at your friends.

The doors close and Derek shifts to Reid.

"Pretty boy, I know you have a crush on her." he states and that brings everyone to laugh.

Spencer get's red and says, "Wha- No I don't!"

"Yeah, you do." JJ says, taking Morgan's side.

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