𝐷𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑑 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖 - 𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘

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What happens when Rossi's daughter comes back from the army?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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What happens when Rossi's daughter comes back from the army?

Everyone knew about the famous Y/N R ossi. David bragged about you sometimes and he was very proud of you.

The whole Team loved you, even if they never met you except Aaron, who you met on several occations.

Penelope always asked questions and asked for pictures. She found you beautiful, she called you goddess even if you didn't know it but Rossi always laughed.

The others also asked questions, and some day the question as what you worked came up and he answered proudly.

"Y/N is in the army." he stated and the others made big eyes. You served their land and you became something like a hero to the Team.

Sadly you were still away and that made them sad, but Rossi the most, he missed his daughter.

But you were always someone for surprises. You got back earlier but nobody knew. So, after you arrived you just made your way to your fathers work place, in hope he would be there.

As you stood before the glass doors you heard a loud gasp beside you and you turned around.

There you could see a bubbly blond woman in a pink dress, she looked confused but excited.

"OMG! You are Y/N Rossi!" she exclaims and you looked a bit dumb at her.

"Uh, yes? And you are?" you ask her.

"Oh, I'm sorry I'm Penelope Garcia. Rossi and I work together. He speaks about you all the time, and let me tell you, you're pretty! Like a goddess!" she says and you blush.

"Thank you. It's very nice to meet you." you say and give her a smile.

"Come on, the others would love to meet you and Dave would love to see his daughter." she says and takes your hand.

She guides you to a desk where you can see a few people standing. As they see Garcia and you they stop talking. They all look at her and then at you. When they register who you are, they make big eyes.

"Hello, nice to meet everyone." You say and smile at them.

As a raven haired woman begins to open her mouth, you hear a chuckle behind them and look their way. There you can see your dad with the biggest smile you ever seen.

"Come on, greet your old man!" he says and you make your way to him. You give him the biggest and tightest hug you ever given.

"I missed you so much dad!" you say with teary eyes.

"I missed you too bella." he says and gives you a kiss on the cheek.

"So I guess you met the Team?" he says and you chuckle.

"Not really." you say and turn around to face them.

You smile at them and they all introduce themselves. It's good to be back home.


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