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Aaron was in Witness protection for 2 years

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Aaron was in Witness protection for 2 years. When he comes back to the BAU, he brings something or rather someone with him, who suprises everyone.
A lot happend in the time Aaron Hotchner was away.

The team changed. They got new members, Tara Lewis, Luke Alvez and Matt Simmons. Emily also was Unit Chef, after Hotch was gone.

But a lot has happend in Aaron Hotchner's life too.

Jack is now a pre-teenager, being a little rebel and breaking rules in school. Aaron got a normal job at an office, so he got more time for Jack.

But the biggest change? His wife Y/N and their little daughter Maxime Emily. But Y/N wasn't new to him. She was once an agent at the BAU, working with everyone. But she didn't want to do that dangerous life anymore and quit.

They two met a few months after Aaron and Jack were put in protection. Aaron was very scared at the beginning, that Scratch would now find them and everything, but that changed as she reassured him, everything will be okay.

They met secretly and Jack also felt connected to her. He finally has a mother figure, he can look up to and ask for advice, especially for girls.

After one year, she got pregnant and Aaron proposed to her. Their wedding was a little one in a church, just with Jack.

One day Aaron got a call, that had him speechless.

"Y/N?" he asks from the kitchen.

"Yes, honey?" you say from the table, where Jack and you were doing homework.

"He is dead." he says happily and you stop in your tracks. He would only be happy about one death.

"No way." you say not believing him.

He just smiles at you and comes to hug you. You still can't believe it. You four are free.

"We are going home." you whisper at him with teary eyes.

𝗠𝗲𝗮𝗻𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗔𝗨:

"Oh my- Oh my god" Penelope says as she looks at the screen. Soaking in all the information.

She called Morgan, "Chocolate thunder, gather everyone in the conference room!" she practically yells at him. He just says yes, even though he is really confused.

The team was sitting in the room, confused.

"Why did Garcia want us here?" Luke asks.

"Well, I'm about to answer that." she says happy, as she goes into the room.

"And what's going on?" Reid asks.

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