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A beach day with Aaron and Jack

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A beach day with Aaron and Jack.

Aaron had a day off since weeks and you were grateful for that.

You two were together for four years and married for two years. Jack was like your own son, and he called you mom.

Seven months ago you found out that you're pregnant. Aaron and you weren't trying, but you two were more than happy and so was Jack.

As it turns out, you two are going to get a sweet little baby girl. Jack was so happy and excited, he can't wait, until she comes, so he can be a protective older brother.

Aaron had an beach day planned and you were excited.

It was a sunny, warm summer day.

Jack was infront of you two, running in the sand. Aaron and you were holding hands walking and enjoying the day.

"I'm so happy, that you have a day off." you said to him with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm too. I missed the time with you three." he says and you smile widely at him.

"I love you." you say to him.

"I love you too, honey." he replies.

You two find a nice place and spread the blanket. After that you both lay down.

"Mommy! Daddy! Look what I found!" Jack screams as he runs to you two and shows you his shells.

"Wow, Jack! These are beautiful. Look Daddy,  
aren't they pretty?" you ask, looking at Aaron.

"Yeah buddy, they look great." he says with a grin.

"Can we make a chain of shells at home for my little sister?" Jack asks shyly and you could cry at his cuteness.

You share a glance with Aaron and smile.

"Yeah, we can bud. I think she will like it, when she's here." you say while petting your round belly.

"When does she come? We've been waiting for soooo long." he whines.

You chuckle, while Aaron answers "Just a few more months, Jack. I can't wait to meet her too."

You laugh at the two, "Stop it, you two. I can't wait until I can sleep on my belly again, so stop complaining and hug me." you say with a fake pout.

Jack giggles and hugs you tight, Aaron joins you two.

"I love you both so much." you say to them and ruffle their hair.

"I love you too, Mommy. I am hungryy!" Jack says.

"Alright bud, come on. We are gonna get ice cream." Aaron says and Jack screams in excitement.

"Mommy, what do you want?"

"Suprise me! And Aaron, not too much." you say giggling.

And so the both make their way to get ice cream. You lay down and closed your eyes.

10 minutes later you hear giggling and open your eyes.

"Hey! Are you eating my ice cream?" you ask in disbelief.

"You were sleeping and it melted!" Aaron defends himself.

"And it tastes good." Jack adds.

You fake a sad face, but it fails when you start laughing. You can't stay mad at your favorite boys.

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