𝑇𝑒𝑎𝑚 - 𝑈𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟

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You went undercover, but the Team didn't know and now something happend

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You went undercover, but the Team didn't know and now something happend.

You went undercover a week ago. Strauss sent you and you couldn't tell the Team. They thought you were having a vacation and they believed you, because you wanted to have some time off since weeks.

You were sent to catch a serial killer and you were his perfect type, but sadly he just acts every week so you needed to catch his attention.

He tortures his victims two days before he kills them and by now he killed 5 women. He is a really cruel bastard and you needed to say you were a bit scared.

Everthing went right, until he caught you and he knew you were undercover. He took your thing to alert the others, when the serial killer would catch you, so now you were alone and you would probably die.

Aaron was sitting in his office when he got a call.

"This is Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner."

"Aaron this is Section Chief Strauss, you need to gather your Team in the conference room immediatly, it's important." she demands and Aaron shifts in his seat a little.

"I will, ma'am." he responds.

He goes out of his office and they all look up.

"Everyone, conference room now." he says stern.

They all get up and Morgan goes to get Garcia and Hotch goes to Rossi.

As they all sit in their chairs Emily speaks up, "Hotch what are we doing here?"

"Chief Strauss said it's important, so we all need to be gathered." he replies.

"That's right, Aaron." she says as she walks into the room.

"As you all know Agent Y/L/N has been on vacation," she starts and they all look at her and nod "well, Agent Y/L/N wasn't on vacation. She was sent undercover." she states.

That leaves everyone shocked and curious, but also scared.

"Why does she needed to be undercover?" Derek asks.

"A serial killer has been murdering 5 women these last weeks, and Agent Y/L/N is exactly his type." she says.

"And what is the problem now? Does she need help?" JJ asks concerned.

"Yes, she needs help, but not in the way you would like. She's been missing and we think the unsub has her. Her tracker was destroyed and we don't know where she is." she states and she can see on the look of their faces, that they aren't happy.

"So, you say Y/N is in the hands of a psychopath and she could be dead by now?" Rossi asks in disbelieve.

"How long has she been missing?" Spencer asks with a sad expression.

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